Charis Bible Studies

Welcome to Charis Bible Studies!

Our goal is to connect believers who want a deeper understanding of God’s Word with a local group that teaches Andrew Wommack’s foundational messages. We are connecting believers with Charis Bible College graduates in neighborhoods across the United States. Through study and fellowship, they are empowered to take the Gospel into their sphere of influence.

By signing up for a Charis Bible Study, you will have the opportunity to fellowship with like-minded believers in a relaxed setting. By studying from Andrew Wommack’s study guides, you’ll be reminded that God has anticipated your every need and has provided it all through Jesus. Get practical steps on walking in grace, and appropriate everything God has provided for you by faith. Take these teachings and affect the lives of your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

Hebrews 10:25 encourages us to fellowship with one another, and Mark 16:15 commands us to go into the world and preach the Gospel. Charis Bible Studies equips you to do both.


Charis Vision Week

Days :
Hours :
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— Tune in for a special urgent message from Andrew! —

Charis Special Live Stream

Special Live Stream