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CityStationDaysAir Time
Branson / Springfield KOZO / Oasis Network / 89.7 FMMon-Fri11:15 AM (CT)
CityStationDaysAir Time
CantonWOFN / Oasis Network / 88.7 FMMon-Fri11:45 AM (CT)
CityStationDaysAir Time
Oklahoma CityKMSI Oasis Network / 88.1 FMMon-Fri11:30 AM (CT)
LawtonOasis Network / 96.3 FMMon-Fri11:30 AM (CT)
TulsaKNYD Oasis Network / 90.5 FMMon-Fri11:30 AM (CT)
MiamiOasis Network / 88.1 FMMon-Fri11:30 AM (CT)
EnidOasis Network / 89.1 FMMon-Fri11:30 AM (CT)
Ponca CityOasis Network / 90.3 FMMon-Fri11:30 AM (CT)
McAlesterOasis Network / 91.1 FMMon-Fri11:30 AM (CT)
CityStationDaysAir Time
Hampton / Norfolk / Virginia BeachWYCS Oasis Network / 91.5 FMMon-Fri12:15 PM (ET)

Andrew Wommack Recorded Live

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— Tune in for a special urgent message from Andrew! —

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