Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith

Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith

Have you wondered why, after trying so hard, you’re still not receiving from God? Or are you getting frustrated that, despite your best efforts, you’re not seeing the fruit of Christianity? You might even be like many Christians who have tried different churches, confessing the Word, tithing, praying, or even fasting, yet with no results. These are all symptoms of an imbalance of grace and faith.

Grace and faith are often seen as opposing forces in the body of Christ. But grace and faith are both essential ingredients in our walk with the Lord because they work together! Faith is a positive response to what God has already provided by grace. Grace is what God does, and faith is what we do. However, emphasize either to the exclusion of the other and the imbalance will make it difficult to receive from God. This lack of understanding is what leads to much confusion, frustration, and disappointment.

Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith Package

Watch Andrew’s teaching on Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith, airing March 4-29, to learn how faith appropriates what God’s grace has already provided. You’ll discover how to cooperate with God to receive all the benefits of salvation. For a deeper understanding of how grace and faith complement each other, get The Balance of Grace and Faith Package or the Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith individual products.

    Package includes:

  • Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith CD or As-Seen-on-TV DVD series
  • Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith book
  • Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith study guide

Price: $85 $60

Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith CD

Alternate Product Image

Grace and faith are often seen as opposing forces in the body of Christ. But grace and faith are both essential ingredients in our walk with the Lord because they work together! Learn how to walk in the balance of grace and faith with this teaching!

Price: $35


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