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(Any amount)

Your monthly gift makes all the difference!

Choose your preferred monthly giving amount to help change student lives for years.

$25K ($2,500/month for 10 months)

Be the one to change the path of a student's life forever.

$50K ($5,000/month for 10 months)

Make a lasting impact in the kingdom of God.

$100K ($10,000/month for 10 months)

Housing up to 1 student. Change the path of their lives forever.

$200K ($20,000/month for 10 months)

Housing up to 2 students. Change the path of their lives forever.

$400K ($40,000/month for 10 months)

A half quad houses up to 4 students. Be the one to make Charis Bible College a reality for four students!

$800K ($80,000/month for 10 months)

A full quad houses up to 8 students who are likely to be lifelong friends. You can bring dreams to life!

$8.8 Million ($880,000/month for 10 months)

Change lives forever by providing housing for 78 students for decades to come.

Alternative ways to sow into this project

Discover how to sow noncash gifts such as stocks, IRAs, cars, real estate, wills, and more.

If you would like assistance making your donation, please call us at 719-635-1111

3D Flyover

Scan the QR code with your smartphone, or click here to see one of the student bedrooms in Virtual Reality!

Do you want to make it possible for more students to attend Charis Bible College so they can go out and change the world with the Gospel?

Do you want to make it possible for more students to attend Charis Bible College so they can go out and change the world with the Gospel?

Construction Updates

The Charis Vision - Watch the 3D Flyover!

The Charis Woodland Park Campus is experiencing tremendous growth!

God is expanding the vision of Charis to make it a world-class college that meets the needs of the whole person—mind, body, and spirit.

The vision is BIG,
but God is BIGGER!

“Charis is a disciple-making machine. We’ve already seen tremendous results, and the buildout of this campus is just a tool that will allow us to reach even more people and prepare them for their part in this end-time harvest."

Watch as Andrew reveals the vision God has given him for Charis Bible College.

I want to make it possible for more students to attend Charis Bible College so they can go out and change the world with the Gospel!

What friends of
Andrew Wommack Ministries are saying…

When you become a monthly Foundation Partner you make testimonies like these possible!

The Charis Vision!

Read more details from Andrew about future Charis campus plans!

Thank you for building an entire dorm for 78 students!

Please fill out the information below so we can contact you about making your donation.
