Choose Life

Do you know where you stand on the issue of abortion? If you don’t, now is the time to find out. Our world is demanding that you take a side in this issue, and the best side you can take is God’s.

You’ll see that if we as believers don’t stand for what the Bible has to say about life, and other societal issues, we are inadvertently empowering the unbelievers—who don’t have a biblical worldview—to establish policies that will affect us and future generations. This has already begun, as evidenced by the recent late-term abortion laws that have been passed in some states. And sadly, many Christians have just stood by and watched, accepting it as the new normal because they don’t know what the Word of God says about this.

When it comes to abortion “rights”, we need to consider the baby’s rights—not just ours. Our culture is swiftly drifting to the side of believing that it’s the other way around, that the unborn do not have a voice and therefore do not get a choice. Now is your chance to be their voice. Learn what God says about the truth and take action!

If you or someone you know is unsure what the Bible says about abortion, get Andrew’s Choose Life! Interviews and Testimonies. Available as a USB flash drive, this eye-opening resource contains real stories of people who have survived abortions and shows how abortion affects the lives of women and their unborn. In addition to the USB, you’ll get a free copy of Andrew’s Observing All Things booklet, which covers abortion, creation, and homosexuality.

The Choose Life! Interview and Testimonies USB flash drive contains the following:

  • Interviews with Melissa Ohden (2016 & 2020)
  • Interview with Kristan Hawkins
  • Interview with Melissa Ohden & Kristan Hawkins
  • Interview with Marjorie Dannenfelser
  • Interview with Eileen Smith
  • Interview with Carrie Fische
  • Interview with Connie Weiskopf
  • Healing Journey of Connie Weiskopf
  • Story of Minka Disbrow
  • Testimony of Allen & Rebecca—Choices Pregnancy Center
  • Healing Journey of Holly Trover

The Observing All Things booklet is included (free) with the USB!

Choose Life Package

Follow the link below or call our helpline at 719-635-1111 to order your product today!

Price: $20


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