
Modern Christians are in the fight of a lifetime—the fight for life. Pro-abortion activists are bent on convincing the world that a baby in its mother’s womb has no right to its life. This is one of the greatest lies the enemy has ever told!

Even though Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022 by the Supreme Court, individual states can still make their own laws regarding abortion. This means that the pro-life fight is not over yet. Since the 2022 ruling, some states have made abortions illegal, but many are still allowing abortions even up to birth.

In his new teaching, Life at Conception, Andrew Wommack shares from the Word how God sees us in the womb—from Psalms, Jeremiah, the New Testament, and more. Now more than ever, it’s vital for believers to stand up and speak the truth. Andrew’s Life at Conception teaching will prepare and encourage you to speak the truth without fear of criticism or rejection. Choose from individual products or take advantage of our Life at Conception package offer!

Individual Products:

  • Life at Conception teaching on DVD for $7
  • Choose Life: Interviews and Testimonies on USB for $20

Lives are literally being saved through knowledge of the truth. In these materials, Andrew Wommack and others will inspire you to continue the pro-life fight. Order below or call our Helpline at 719-635-1111 to order these products today!

Life at Conception

Single DVD


Choose Life!




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