Are you ready to experience the Bible like never before? In the God with Us performance, step into ancient Rome to witness the story of the aging Apostle Peter when he arrives there in 64 AD. You’ll see the Word of God represented in a whole new way!

In a time of persecution and danger, Peter encourages the imprisoned Christians with inspiring stories from the Scriptures and his walk with Jesus. Hear the clash between the mighty Roman Empire and the kingdom of God as the prisoners’ faith is put to the ultimate test.

This is an unforgettable journey that brings the Bible to life. Our talented cast and crew will transport you to the heart of ancient Rome, immersing you in a world of faith, courage, and inspiration.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to witness the power of the Scriptures as well as the human spirit!

God with Us is available as a DVD to enjoy whenever you want, or you can purchase tickets to watch the live performance in Woodland Park, Colorado on April 7 & 8, 2023. Order below or call our helpline at 719-635-1111!

God With Us



God With Us

Live Performance Tickets

$20 - $35


Charis Vision Week

Days :
Hours :
Minutes :

— Tune in for a special urgent message from Andrew! —

Charis Special Live Stream

Special Live Stream