More Grace More Favor

God has offered all that He is and all that He has to all of us, but not everyone experiences His benefits. If you want to operate in more grace and experience the favor of God, let Andrew show you what the Word says about humility in his brand-new teaching, More Grace, More Favor: Releasing the Untapped Power of Humility in Your Life.

In 1 Peter 5:5 and James 4:6, the Word tells us that God resists the proud, but He gives more grace to the humble. You miss out on the full outpouring of God’s grace and favor by being prideful. Many people lack an understanding of pride and its devastating effects on our lives.

Pride is not just exalting yourself; it is also not agreeing with what God says about you. Downplaying what God has done in your life for fear of how people will respond is pride.

When you honor God and give Him the glory, He’ll honor you. If you truly humble yourself and are thankful for all God has done, you’ll open the door to receiving more grace and more favor. Andrew explains the power of humility through this teaching.

More Grace, More Favor individual products
  • More Grace, More Favor book - $19.99
  • More Grace, More Favor CD series - $30
  • More Grace, More Favor DVD series - $30
  • Self-Centeredness: The Source of All Grief - $5

Andrew’s teaching provides the keys to receiving more grace and favor in your life. Order this teaching below or by calling our Helpline at 719-635-1111. Get ready to receive from God!

More Grace More Favor Package


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