Healing Is Here 2018

Healing Is Here

We live in a fallen world where sickness and disease are commonplace. But because we have a Savior who died for us and paid the price for our healing, we can walk in divine health as He intended!

Healing Is Here

Be empowered to live in supernatural wholeness by listening to these teachings from the 2018 Healing Is Here Conference. You’ll hear speakers—like Andrew Wommack, Audrey Mack, and Barry Bennett—explain how to walk in God’s promise of divine health.

The 2018 Healing Is Here Conference teachings are available as a CD set, DVD set, or USB flash drive for a gift of $49 or more.

Learn how to receive healing for yourself, and then go on to minister healing to others!

Price: $49

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Free God Wants You Well Booklet

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This mini magazine is a compilation of articles on the topic of healing. Jesus used miracles of healing like a bell to draw the masses. He used healing as proof that He could forgive sins. In fact, He said His miracles were a greater testimony to the fact that He was the Son of God than John the Baptist's preaching was. God used miraculous healings to authenticate Jesus and His message.

This booklet, which has produced healing in thousands of people, has been rewritten with the skeptic in mind. We've changed the wording and the focus to reach out to those who have questions about God and specifically His healing power.

To receive this booklet for free, please use this coupon code at checkout: 2AZB

Price: Free


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