Healing is Here 2020

When reports of sickness come, it’s tempting to give up and allow an image of sickness to control your life. But Jesus offers a better report—one of healing and wellness. It’s time to take hold of your healing and start living life to the fullest! You need to learn to expect healing, experience it, and be empowered to walk in it!

Our 2019 Healing Is Here conference was full of that! July 20–24, Andrew will be sharing highlights from the conference on the Gospel Truth broadcast. Watch as Andrew teaches on The Power of Imagination—Hope, Daniel Amstutz and Carlie Terradez teach on Faith Is Our Response to What God Has Provided by Grace, Greg Mohr teaches on Fundamentals of Healing, and Audrey Mack teaches on God’s Plan of Redemption—How to Receive What You Believe. These teachings are for you and are a taste of the powerful messages delivered at the conference.

More of the 2019 Healing Is Here conference is available on CD, DVD, and USB. Miraculous testimonies, like people raised from the dead, fill each volume. It is only when you know what belongs to you in Christ that you can expect amazing things, experience healing, and empower others to do the same.

Healing Is Here 2019 conference teaching products:
  • Healing Is Here 2019 USB flash drive—$49
  • Healing Is Here 2019 CD album—$49
  • Healing Is Here 2019 DVD album—$49

To learn more about receiving healing and living in wellness through Jesus, order the 2019 Healing Is Here conference teachings below.

Healing is Here


Charis Vision Week

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— Tune in for a special urgent message from Andrew! —

Charis Special Live Stream

Special Live Stream