Heart of Christmas Now Showing

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Heart of Christmas Now Showing

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Heart of Christmas Now Showing

Christmas is an important time of year, especially this year. Normally, we celebrate with our annual performance of HOC, and this year, Andrew and Jamie want to give you the gift of watching this performance online for free.

If this show blesses you go to awmi.net/merry to purchase the DVD and other amazing products. For more of these outstanding performances, go to www.LegacyProductions.com.

Other ways to watch (available to the public):

The musical will be shown in its entirety (in five installments) during the week of December 21 on my television program, The Gospel Truth.

For more information on program times and stations, visit the TV Broadcast Schedules page.

To watch The Gospel Truth programs on demand, visit This Week’s TV.

Please know that Jamie and I are praying Psalm 91 over you and your family at Christmastime and the whole year through!

We love you,
Andrew and Jamie Wommack

P.S. Our Helpline is now open 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday, Mountain time. I believe we have the best prayer ministers in the world. They love you and are ready to stand in agreement with you—and with the Word of God—for any need you might have. Just call 719-635-1111, 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday, Mountain time.

Gospel Truth Network is here! Explore Andrew Wommack’s new video-on-demand and broadcast TV network – offering established and brand-new programs for the whole family!


Charis Vision Week

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— Tune in for a special urgent message from Andrew! —

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Special Live Stream