Holy Spirit Package

The New You & The Holy Spirit

The benefits of your salvation have been bought and paid for! But in order to access them, you will need help. That is exactly why God gave you the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. . . . When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:7 and 13, New King James Version).

What did Jesus mean? Let Andrew show you in his teaching The New You & The Holy Spirit! You’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what took place inside you when you were born again, but you will also be introduced to the Holy Spirit and all the benefits that come from Him! This foundational series will surely bring new growth to the seeds of truth that have already been planted in your heart and mind.

Price: $75 $50

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The New You & The Holy Spirit is a must-have for all believers. You’ll learn how to access all the benefits of salvation. You and those you love will surely be blessed and transformed by the life-changing truths that are revealed in this teaching.

Price: FREE

The New You & The Holy Spirit by Andrew Wommack

To order your free book, use coupon code at checkout: 2C8B

El Nuevo Tú y El Espíritu Santo de Andrew Wommack

Para pedir su libro gratis en Español, use el código del cupón 2C8B


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