How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Many Christians would like to share their faith with others but feel ill equipped to do so. They don’t want to go out and risk being stumped by unbelievers. But if they don’t defend their faith, who will? And what is to become of those who need to hear what they have to say? God wants His people to be bold and declare His Word and His works in all the earth!

Alex McFarland, one of the foremost leaders in Christian apologetics today, was recently interviewed by Andrew Wommack to talk about the importance of having a biblical worldview and sharing the inerrancy of the Bible with facts, clarity, and excellence. Alex has published two books, The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity and The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask about Christianity, which are available for purchase at

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To accompany Alex McFarland’s teachings, Andrew is offering his own teaching, How to Stay Positive in a Negative World.

These amazing materials will not only give you the right perspective of the world around you, but they will give you confidence to talk to anyone—anywhere and at any time—with powerful and insightful information about God’s infallible Word!

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No one is better at sharing your personal faith than you. With these materials from Alex McFarland and Andrew, you will learn to both understand and communicate your faith effectively (Philem. 6)! You won’t regret it, and neither will those in your sphere of influence who will be blessed and transformed by hearing the truth about God through you.


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