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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Grace Kimani

On May 14, 2024

Reaching out from: Kenya

My life has drastically changed since I encountered Andrew’s teachings in the year 2004! My understanding of our relationship with God has made everything around me take a new turn bringing fruitfulness in all my spaces!
Thank you Andrew for your teachings: you are a World Changer!!!

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House Sold in 2 Days After Listing for the 3rd Time

Category: Uncategorized | Name: S and M Harvey | From: Michigan
Posted On: August 15, 2016

My husband and I, put our house on the market in August 2015 through 2 agents with no results. We did not give up and kept confessing that “Our house is sold” almost everyday. We prayed in tongues to release in the spirit realm anything that can prevent the buyer to come forward. I listened to a teaching of Andrew Wommack on this matter before. We strongly believe that when we prayed to sell the house, God has a buyer for it. In June 2016, we listed the house again with a 3rd agent and before even the “sale sign” was put in our yard, we had 2 showings and 1 resulted in a sale. The buyer even offered more than the asking price. To God be the glory.

A Sinner…andamp; A Saint.

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Steven Edwards | From: Bronx, New York,N.Y.
Posted On:

Be the miracle! be the blessing in the lives of others.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Nathan Russ | From: Elkton, Florida
Posted On:

I know that it is Gods will for all His kids to live a life of blessing and healing. And as I have read the bible and grown in my faith God has used this ministry to confirm a lot of things He has spoken to me. I thank God for a ministry that speaks the truth in Gods word without reservation. I look forward to visiting you all soon and seeing the new building project complete in Jesus name!


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Mary Adams | From: Portsmouth, Virginia
Posted On: August 12, 2016

Enjoy listening to his word

Faith Demonstrated

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Billy Szot | From: Michigan
Posted On:

When I was a young lad ,about 13 years old,my uncle was in the hospital dying from cancer.He was given a few days to live.As my family and I visited him I put my hands upon him and could feel something go through me and upon him. A couple days later he was Okay and the doctors were amazed and he was released from the hospital and the cancer was gone. …I was utilized by the Holy Spirit !


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Marie White | From: Johannesburg, South Africa
Posted On:

wow! I am so grateful and thankful to Andrew for resisting peer pressure when he was in the army and for going on to persevere through tests and trials that grew into a ministry that is a blessing to all the families on earth, in Jesus Name! I so appreciate the wonder of all the Lord has done for me since I ‘stumbled’ onto that stable picture of a seated man speaking Bible!!! Thank you from a grateful heart to every team member at AWMI and CBC and Healing School in every aspect of work and stewardship done in the powerful Name of our mighty Messiah, our Lord Jesus. For me, it is such a relief not to fear old age from multiplication of years, anymore. I now fully believe I will see the full measure of full health, wholeness, strength, sound mind, strong eyesight, every cell working as God designed it to, wisdom to complete the Lord’s blueprint in this final half century of my earthly life (if Jesus tarries). I am utterly dependent upon the Lord to look after me, provide for me, protect me, without fear of worst case scenarios. Thanks to the encouragement I have received and grown in from AWMI I am no longer in trepidation about this last season of my life but am learning I can really trust Jesus, and cast all my cares on Jesus. I wish to finish strong and fully complete His will for my life in His image. Words are inadequate to express the depth of my thankfulness to the Holy Spirit for leading me to AWMI/CBC/Healing School teaching. I love the tag teaming that is developing – as demonstrated by Andrew and Richard Roberts just now, Carlie and Daniel. I love that I can watch such quality on my PC. From a grateful thankful heart. Every blessing and thanks to all. love from Marie.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: JR Booth | From: Connecticut
Posted On:

Thank you for this healing conference and especially that you’re live streaming the event. I am physically unable to attend the conference plus it’s too far away for me to travel at this time. However, with the live streaming I feel I am there with all of you. What I am is learning today is immeasurable and is not being taught in my church. I have mentioned James 5 to my leaders but, they seem hesitant to lay hands on the sick and will often pray using the terminology “if it be your will!” I take offense to that style of prayer…of course he wants us well! They’re even afraid of speaking in tongues. I’m praying that with God’s help that I will activate this teaching in my life and spread it to my Baptist church family (and others) which I belong. Please pray that the believers are receptive to God’s supernatural gifts and not be afraid, ashamed or intimidated to use them. Help us Lord to be spiritual minded and bold in Jesus Name…Amen!


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Olubunmi Oladele-Ajose | From: Texas
Posted On:

I love your messages
Very inspirational


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Mary Ruehle | From: Visalia
Posted On:

Hi Andrew, I’m so excited!!! I taught my very first Church service invitation. It’s an addiction/recovery based church. I taught my favorite topic, SPIRIT, SOUL andamp; BODY and The New You!!! I used 3 people holding signs that had the words, Spirit Soul and Body written big. I could see light bulbs going off everywhere in the audience as I constantly pointed at each sign along with verses on the big screens that coincided. They were so exited, some were crying others were on the edge of their seats as if anxiously waiting for the next word! Ah yes…The Gospel truly is nearly too good to be true news.
Mostly all sin consciousness is what is taught there. Mostly focusing on the addictions and problems, a vicious repetitive cycle of trying to overcome and get set free.
Afterward people spoke to me about how much sense it made and how they were already free. One lady asked me to mentor her, I told her yes and that I would disciple her with the materials from Charis.
Thank you Andrew for starting the bible college. Together we can all help God change the world with the nearly too good to be true news!!!
I love you and Jaime, thank you for your faithfulness:-)

Healed Foot

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Johnny Gracey SR. | From: Tomball, TX. (Houston Area)
Posted On:

In the mid 90’s, I was working as an electrician in a paint plant. A helper and myself were removing a large electrical panel cover. The cover was about 3′ x 6′ and was supposed to have a clip to keep it from falling, which it did not. When we loosened it, it came straight down on my big toe. (later in life, I realized that out of it, came one of the most important events that happened in my walk with the Lord) It felt like someone had hit it with a hammer. All I said to my helper was I wish I had worn my steel toe boots today. At that time in my walk with the Lord, I did not have the revelation that Jesus had already healed it. One thing I did know was that if I asked Him more than once, I would be asking in unbelief. To myself, I immediately asked Jesus to heal my toe and started rebuking the pain and thanking Jesus for healing it. I never stopped working and never said another word to my helper about it. In a few minutes of steady rebuking and thanking the Lord for healing, the pain started to go away, but when I walked I noticed I was limping, which I would not do if I really believed I was Healed. It was excruciating not to limp. I kept rebuking the pain and thanking him for healing me, refusing to limp and before I had taken probably a half dozen steps the pain started lessening and within a few minutes, was completely gone. A couple hours later when I was alone, I took off my boot and sock to see the toe. It was a dark shade of black and yellow and the nail was black, but no pain. The rest of the day I just kept thanking the Lord every time I would think about it. That evening on the way home, I stopped at a friend’s house, who was also one of the assistant pastors at the church I attended. I wanted to show him how God had taken the pain away from a badly bruised or broken toe. When I took off my boot and sock, my toe looked exactly like it did when I went to work that morning. God had completely restored it. To my friends surprise I started praising the Lord and thanking him. What would have happened if I had not stood on the word and refused to acknowledge the natural? I would have ending up going to the doctor and probably missed some work not counting the pain I would have gone through. Having gone through this and few more like experiences, I can speak to others with experience what will happen when you walk by faith and not by sight.

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