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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Pamela Seeberg

On June 20, 2024

Reaching out from: United States

I had heard for 4 years from Andrew Wommack, Carrie Pickett, and others that knowing God’s love for me is the foundation for believing God’s Word and living the life of faith. I finally made a decision in May 2024 to wholeheartedly pursue knowing God’s love and began watching and meditating on Carrie Pickett’s Life Foundations video teachings and written materials daily for between 1 and 4 hours. It only took about a week to gain some significant confidence in Father and Jesus’ love for me. I am already finding it easier to commit to being a sold-out Christian because of this new confidence in Their love for me. I can see that knowing ever more of Their love for me must be the foundation that my new life is built on. I am proving this by my experience, as I am able to commit to a “lifestyle of intimacy” and of wanting to surrender to Father and Jesus the more I know Their love for me. I look forward to the future as I continue using Andrew and Carrie’s teachings. Thank you so much!

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Thank You

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Tynisha Ramirez | From: Il
Posted On: September 15, 2015

Just want to say thank you. I watched ROKU today with Debbie Moore. I’m sorry to hear about Alen. I can’t wait to meet him in Real life in Heaven. I had a privilege to speak and pray with him after a horrible day at work where the woman I watched tried to kill herself I had to restrain and call for help, afterwards and I could not even get out of my car to go to my teens football game because I was so upset.
He spoke truth to me. Helped me to focus and keep my eyes on JESUS and He will keep me in perfect peace when I Keep my eyes on Him. Isaiah
Well, today I was feeling life’s junk. The pretty rug was being pulled by threads that I felt as though I was just tired and ready to go home. Life’s been frustrating. I told the young man today I have nothing to complain about, I had watched Debbie speak with Andrew. And her focus was on the Lord. She was in perfect peace. She said she felt sad at times, but didnot allow herself to stay there. The young man said, “that when I felt that life was pulling me apart I’m feeling anxiety and drepression that was and indicator I was focusing on the world not God. That it was a reminder to me to focus on JESUS he will keep me in perfect peace. That the devil saw me as a threat. Was going to try to keep me down and God must have big plans”. Well, I walked into work early, the young lady I work across from said,”I oozed JESUS.” She knew I was a Christ follower. Even though I feel like a mess at times. But, this reminded me about what the young man said this AM. I want to thank God for you all, Being Christ’s lighthouse and directing me to Him. Each and everyone of you have a stone on my path to my walking with the Lord. For your love to Him and speaking truth into my life, I am Grateful.

Healing in Eyes

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Eleanor Lock | From: Bella Vista, Arkansas
Posted On: September 14, 2015

Dear Andrew and the phone ministry,The other day,I called the partner line to give an extra gift to the Foundation Builders, and the lady who was handling the transaction, thanked me profusely for our partnership as a whole and specifically to Foundation Builders, and said, “You are a blessing to this ministry” I replied, “Oh, my goodness, no, it’s you all who are the blessing!” and I began to relay to her about the time, that you, Andrew called out a specific healing for my eyes. She said, “Please put that on the guestbook” Well, I’ve told about this time when I was healed a lot, but imagine that there are many who haven’t heard about it, so here goes:About 8 yrs ago, I went to the eye doctor for a routine check-up, and he said, ‘uh, oh!’ (just hate it when doctors say that!) he continued, ‘you have macular degeneration and retina problems, it’s serious and we need to monitor your eyes, if this doesn’t improve, you will need surgery, and if that doesn’t work, you will eventually lose your eyesight’ then he asked me what my symptoms were and I told him, “I have ‘bursts of light in my side vision’ he said, “Oh, yes, like a flashbulb exploding? bursts of light in your peripheral vision? well that confirms part of what I’ve diagnosed”Well, you were coming to KC that year for a GTS, so Bill and I decided that we were going. I also called my grace buddy, Millie, and asked her to go with us, so she could stand in faith with me for a miracle” She agreed and off we went.We were staying at Ft. Leavenworth, in military lodging, there were 2 bedrooms with a kitchen in between and the morning of the first night meeting, Millie and I met in the kitchen to pray and we agreed according to Matthew 18:19, that I would get my healing.That night, during ministry time, Andrew, you called out ‘there’s someone here with ‘bursts of light in your peripheral vision and macular degeneration!”Well, of course, I knew it was me you were talking about, so I went forward for prayer, and was instantly healed. My vision was perfect. I could even see the menu at the drive-thru at McDonald’s from quite a distance, after the meeting in a driving rain!Thank you, Andrew for being spiritually in tune with the Father, hearing from Him, so I could be free from that!I waited a year to return to the same doctor, and he examined my eyes, and said, “wow! you had macular and retina problems, and now I see no evidence of it, what happened?” I told him, ‘well, I went to a healing meeting and they laid hands on me and Jesus healed me, to which he replied, “Well, good!” :-)Glory to God!

Thank God

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Mike and Linda Gurganious | From: willard nc 28478
Posted On:

I thank GOD for using you Andrew! Thru you GOD has showed me the true GOSPEL!

Blessed by Your Teachings

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Anish Paul | From: Bangalore, India
Posted On:

Pastor Andrew, I’ve been blessed by your teachings from Bible for last 9 years which is clear and accurate. I’m eagerly waiting for your teaching on the Book of Revelation and second coming of Christ. Many have doubts on this part of scripture which would be cleared by your clear teaching on this part.

No Pain

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Walter Niederberger | From: New Ipswich NH
Posted On:

This is really amazing !!One year ago a had bad pain started on my left knee and fatique in my legs, lower back pain, I used to be a mountain climber, climbed some major Fourtousender in the Swiss Alps and climbed here in the US and cross country skied, Alpine skied etcThese pains would not allow me to climb anymore, I prayed and believed and it was painful, prayed with everybody I could find who knows how to pray…until beginning of July this year, I said, there must be more, I cannot live like that, this is not Gods will for me…there must be more…I remembered I had called a few times awmi prayer lines, and this I said to myself is only one phone call away…I made a promise to me, I am going to call them every morning…wow wow wowmy spiritiual life was transformed immediateley after I started praying with awmi’s prayer ministers, my life came alive, fatique and lethargie started to leave me..I started to break through financially, amazing, what we prayed was touched in one way or another…Last week I was an vacation and hoped to be able to climb again. The week before I had climbed a short climb of about 45 min.We kept on praying, there were amazing breakthroughs, and on Thursday morning, I heard the Holy spirit impressed upon me, to climb Mount Kersarge in NH, I was happy and also went with expectations, it went very well, with very little pain and I walked and climbed up one hour trail, and down one hour, praying and quoting healing scriptures, and lo and behold there was no pain on the way up and very little on the way down, I said that is new and thanked the Lord for this…the next Morning, the Holy spirit impressed upon me again to climb up to the Greenleaf Hut on Mount Lafayette, now this is a four hour hike up and down, I said this is new, one mountain climb after another in the same week. When I was on top, I said to myself this is healing, I am healed in my legs, in my left knee, in my lower back, I said I can’t believe it that I am here and this was my second day joy of the Lord hit me…wy wife was wondering, ” do you have any pain” I said no and explained to her, that healing prayers work and God has healed my legs and lower back, she said nothing Haaa !The next morning, on Saturday, I felt the Lord telling me, you are climbing Mount Sunapee, this was a two hour climb up and down and absolutely no pain.This is to the Glory of God, He healed me from these multiple pains, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,Hallelujah, How awesome is Our God ??And awesome are the prayer ministers of awmi and Andrew’s teaching I listen to every day on my commute to Boston and Jammie Wommack sings to me in my car. Praise God, Praise God all the Glory and Honor goes to Him, this is Working !!!


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Jo Jean Knard | From: Wichita, Kansas
Posted On:

THANK YOU for the Facebook page! There is so much “Christian clutter” everywhere and for me, if I just go to that Facebook page, there is always some quick Word that will clear that clutter right up. Yay, God! Thanks, Andrew!

Good Ground

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Laurie | From: Canada
Posted On:

I just want you to know, Andrew, Jamie, and all the staff and teachers at Charis Bible College and Andrew Wommack Ministries, how much this ministry has blessed and encouraged me. I’ve had several turnarounds that have completely changed my life and it was all from hearing the truth taught here. I’m totally on board with all the plans you have for the Bible College buildings at Woodland Park and I’m enthusiastically supporting it financially. I believe it will impact the United States and the world and I’m praying and believing for a similar impact in Canada. I had my first visit there recently and attended the Family Bible Conference and it was awesome! I also love the website with all the free Bible teaching and access to conference videos and testimonies. I’m on the website everyday and watch your program online. To my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, if you’ve benefited from this ministry and haven’t yet supported it financially, please consider doing so. It’s very good ground to sow your seed into! I heard the Healing is Here Conference is already booked solid so there is already a need for a bigger building. God bless you all and thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! 🙂

A “Glow” About You

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Shannon | From: Washington State
Posted On:

Pastor , I meet you August7th in Seattle. It was great to finely see the man that God sent to me to teach me the word. I wanted to say thank you again, and are you aware that you have a “glow” about you? In some people, you can actually see an aura of God around them. You are a blessed man Pastor. Thank you for loving God. Your testimony and teachings have changed my life. You are”my” Paul. In Christ,Shannon Rarig

Thank You

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Sandi Hutchins | From: Battle Ground, Washington
Posted On:

Both Mike and I wish to thank you, once more, for your written teachings and daily programs! It was especially a great blessing to personally meet you at the rally in Portland Oregon and be able to directly say this. (Thank you for coming to the west coast). Your message on THE WORD (as always) is our most important factor in our Christian walk and enjoyed the entire evening immensely. Your gracious manner and spiritual calmness is as meeting Christ Himself. Mike and I together gave Christ our hearts and spirits 45 years ago and ask the Holy Spirit to come unto us just this last year thru your teaching web site. Not until our re-accepting Him with you personally, had the gift of speaking in tongues graced my mouth. Thank you Andrew…thank you Father, my sweet Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit for centering me in all aspects in my life. We look forward to meeting with you again Andre in the future here or in eternity. God continue to bless you and be with and in and around you.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Mrs Johnnie Lary | From: Florida
Posted On:

She watched the conference from Englandand she is still feeling the presenceof the Lord and wants you to know how much she appreciates you Andrew.

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