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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Julie Lunan

On April 11, 2024

Reaching out from: Nashville, TN

Hi, Andrew and all of AWMI!
I always want to thank you for all you are doing in Kingdom work and for how well you are equipping your students in the Holy Spirit! I was first drawn to you years ago because of your healing miracles, which I know myself are so, so real. God calls us to bring His miraculous healing to people in prayer, for sure.
Your prayer support is so great for me all the time, and I really love confirming what I’m hearing from Holy Spirit through your own prayer warriors.
Five years ago I was called into ministry for the homeless and hungry in Nashville, after many years of preparation, and my next essential step is making a documentary on the homeless to open people’s hearts and show God’s Love for them.
I am asking God to remove all internal and external blocks to fundraising (a new step for me) and that I move all the way in His Will in all of His work for me.
Thank you, thank you, for everything you are sharing and teaching!
In Jesus’ Holy Name! Amen.

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Thank you Andrew

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Rita Hoffman | From: Florida
Posted On: January 25, 2021

Dear Andrew:

THANK YOU for all that you are doing to STAND UP for the Kingdom of God and His people; for STANDING UP for righteousness; for FIGHTING against the Enemy; for going AGAINST the tide of evil in our country. It’s harder than ever today to do so-there is so much opposition. What you are doing is not going unnoticed by Christians and non-Christians alike. One person with God makes a SUPER-MAJORITY.

THANK YOU for speaking the TRUTH. You have MILLIONS people who agree with you and who are behind you. We just need a man of God to lead us in this fight for righteousness and to TAKE BACK our country. THANK YOU for answering THE CALL.

We love you, Jamie, and your ministry. THANK YOU for everything ALL OF YOU are doing.

Baptism of Holy Spirit Testimony

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Kristen Creecy | From: Nashville, TN
Posted On: January 22, 2021

I’ve been wondering about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the ability to receive the gift of the power of the Holy Spirit, tongues, etc. I called the prayer line today and I forgot her name but she was super nice and helpful! She directed me to more teachings and such a major blessing! I have received this gift and I’m looking forward to growing my relationship with my wonderful Father 🙂
I’m seeing my life being put back together in how God wants me to go. At first it has been heartbreaking because I’ve felt God wanting me to do certain projects, but due to all of us having free will, that purpose have been derailed 🙁 but i believe God will open more doors for His Will to be accomplished. God is good! Jesus is Lord!

You’re the best!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Trish | From: Congo (DRC)
Posted On:


You’re just one of the ways God put in my life to give him back my life. You were probably not the first choice, but just like with David, you are the best that could have happened – so far 🙂
Thanks for being my way to God’s unconditional love and grace. Thanks for all the persons that will give back their life to God – just like I did – because I would preach the Gospel after learning it from you.

Keep it up. Your best time is yet to come.

Thank you

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Shanna | From: New York
Posted On: January 21, 2021

Thank you Andrew Wommack and AWM. The truths that you have taught have changed my life. I was given your book God Wants You Well and started on a journey of health and freedom and a relationship with Jesus. I just wanted to share this testimony of God’s goodness.

I struggled for many years with a myriad of symptoms that progressively became worse and worse. I stopped going to the doctor because I was told over and over – “We can’t find anything wrong.” I spent many years with debilitating fatigue; every hour was a struggle to maintain adequate blood sugar levels. I could no longer exercise (my one hobby) due to unstable blood pressure and blood sugar levels. My muscles were in constant failure. They hurt and twitched. I would randomly gain 10 lbs in a week due to fluid retention. Along with environmental and contact sensitivities, I was down to 6 foods that I tolerated without having some kind of reaction whether indigestion, joint swelling, muscle pain, nerve pain, spinal cord swelling, brain fog, or memory loss. I had to be so careful about anything and everything that I put in my mouth or I would experience a debilitating exacerbation.

I started doing my own research, adopted a very strict diet, spent thousands of dollars on different supplements, and practiced mindfulness and stress relief techniques. Although I did experience some minor improvements that enabled me to continue functioning, it was with great effort. The third naturopathic doctor I consulted with finally gave me a name – dysautonomia. The body system that’s supposed to regulate vital life functions – blood sugar, blood pressure, temperature regulation, fluid balance, metabolism – was failing – for no discernable reason.

Shortly after this consultation, someone gave me the book God Wants You Well. As I read it, it was like fireworks went off on the inside of me. I looked up you and your website and began devouring the online teachings. As I listened, the truth broke through the lies I had believed about God and myself. I learned about the True Nature of God, the authority that we have as believers, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and that I already had it. God began to do a work in my heart that was beyond anything I had ever dreamed.

Eventually I stumbled onto the Healing is Here Conference on Youtube from 2017 and learned so much from Carlie’s sessions about healing. I began listening to Terradez Ministries as well. In one of Carlie’s teachings, she talked specifically about fear and I felt the Holy Spirit impress on me that I needed to tell fear to leave. With the foundational truths I had learned through your teachings, I told fear to get out of my life. The next day as I went to work, I realized something was different. I felt calm inside – something I couldn’t remember feeling since I was a very little girl. The constant unsettled, nervous feeling was gone. I began to try different foods and found I was able to eat them without a problem. Although I wanted to be like Hannah Terradez and be able to instantly eat anything I wanted, I found it to be a gradual process. About 2 months into this process, in frustration, I asked God why it was taking so long (compared to Hannah Terradez). He showed me a picture of my house and it was trashed. He said, “You’ve had a squatter in your house. We’ve kicked the squatter out but it’s going to take some time to put things back to rights.” I settled in and it’s now over 2 years later. I eat anything I want without a problem. Nerve pain is gone. My joints don’t swell and hurt any more. My blood sugar, blood pressure and fluid balance are completely stable. I’m tolerating a much broader range of temperature extremes. I’m beginning to workout again and my muscles don’t ache and twitch anymore. God is so awesome!

In February 2020, I was asking God why I was still struggling to interact with people. We had kicked out fear so why did I still have this horrible struggle just in normal human interaction? How was I going to be able to minister Jesus to people when I could barely choke out “Good morning” at work? One night, I happened to read an article that described so many of the challenges in my life and I felt God telling me, “This is what’s been going on.” After struggling for a few moments with what He was telling me, I did what He said to do. As I called out this name, rebuking it and demanding it leave, I found myself crying with relief even though my mind was not quite convinced. I heard Him say that this mountain I had been trying to climb my whole life was gone; He had removed it. Over the next few days, it became evident that this mountain indeed was gone. The article I had stumbled on described high-functioning autism in adult women. I had never been diagnosed and probably for the most part seemed pretty normal (albeit a bit awkward), but the horrible pressure and constant shame that I had contained on the inside of me for almost as long as I could remember, is now gone. There’s a boundary between my emotions and others’. I couldn’t even describe what I had been feeling until after it was gone. I didn’t know it wasn’t “normal” because it had always been there. I just thought everyone else was way better at handling it.

I feel like my life is only just beginning. I am walking in a peace and wholeness (both body and soul) that I didn’t even dream was ever possible for me. And I know the best is yet to come. I am excited to see what God is going to do and to discover my purpose here on this earth. I have been taking distance classes through Charis Bible College and am hoping to attend 2nd year at a satellite campus this fall.

“Thank you” doesn’t seem capable of conveying the overwhelming gratitude in my heart for Jesus, for you and your ministry’s dedication, obedience and perseverance, and the many supporters and partners this ministry has and has had over the years. I would not have this testimony if not for you all. Thank you.

May richly God bless everyone who has had a part in Andrew Wommack Ministries.

Praise report!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Deborah Cleveland | From: Wilmington Delaware
Posted On:

I have suffered from chronic facial and neck pain for 48+ years!

After I started to learn about the things of the spirit from you, I prayed with FAITH and have been HEALED permanently! I am taking your “Sure Foundation “ course and recommend it for anyone and everyone!


A hard high five to Andrew

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Rachel Martin | From: North Carolina
Posted On: January 19, 2021

I don’t know how to actually get an email to Andrew but this is for him. I just finished the latest teaching “where do we go from here”. I download every Monday and usually I’m done with all 5 days by the afternoon. I listen as I clean or do laundry, I know you say that we can only do one thing at a time well but I agree w Miss Jamie on this. Mothers have to multitask or we would never sleep.

I was raised strict Baptist, saved at 7. I knew right from wrong 100% my childhood was far from decent. I have never met my biological father, I’ve had 4 step father’s. Long story short there was sexual abuse, mental, physical, I hated men because I was scared of them. I was living a homosexual lifestyle when I first heard you talking on the TV. I was taking care of my patient in her home and her husband watched you faithfully. I fell asleep once while you were on Daystar. I know you take no offense to that. Point is I knew your voice. I was so miserable, I knew God was after me. I drank alcohol, smoked pot. To keep this short, I took a step of faith and met my true love, we drank together too. We stopped drinking and went to church on and off. Years later after I married we had 2 children I was alone on my bed in His word. I was in Acts, Holy Spirit opened my eyes to what I actually had. Saved yes, but miserable and might as well been in heaven. I was hopeless and addicted to pain pills. I read the truth for myself and received the Holy Spirit right then. Sometime later I heard your voice in my living room, I didn’t change the channel.

I’ve devoured your teachings, I love you and appreciate you so much. Paul is one of my hero’s and so are you, because you choose to listen to our Dad. You put Him first, it’s not you and I know that, it’s God. I’m so thankful for what you do for our family in Christ. You said we would not be as loud as the non- believers with your latest teaching. I’m sorry we don’t stand up more. I want to do my part here by telling you THANK YOU! A year after I started listening to you I spoke in toungues, my life is amazing my husband is now reading The New you and the Holy Spirit. Our 6 and 3 year old girls are being taught the truth. I have to be careful, my 6 year old knows how to pray. Before going into the store she may say something like ” Thank you Father that we get a big toy…two of them, in Jesus name”. This story may be mixed up or jammed together, I know you can follow and see that I’m another life changed by your teachings. I had Holy Spirit when I started listening to you but had no clue what that meant, how much God loves me or who I am in Christ.

Like you say I haven’t arrived but I’ve left.
Hick from North Carolina

Giving Honor Where Honor is Due

Category: Uncategorized | Name: SINDI HAMILTON | From: Killeen, Texas
Posted On:

Brother Andrew Wommack I want to take some time to honor you in the Lord. I am so grateful to be alive at this moment to eat goooodddd and experience the spiritual nutritional benefits from the teaching ministry and God’s gift he has put in you to help me. Eph. 4:11 says…. he gave some…teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine… Sir,…..I don’t even know how to express how spiritually blessed I’ve been in just a short time studying with you on Youtube. The fetters of religion are soooo deadly but the truth of God’s word has broke them off me and burned them up in my MIND. I find myself doing some religious things or saying a religious phrase out of habit sometimes but I have quickly caught it and combat it with the word of God so that’s okay, I’m free still! I appreciate you being you; I would not want you to be any other, than you. I praise God for you. Tell sister Jamie I said hello and give her a big hug for me. I pray God keep you & Jamie with us many, many years. My prayer now is to get my husband to listen more of God’s truth I’ve learned through your ministry. Harold is a man of God, baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. He’s a good man too, love people but hurt by …”the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive”. He is currently recovering from a stroke which injured the left side of his brain. BUT God’s power has preserved his life and his complete healing is already done, I know it and see it by faith. I pray Harold and I with our children can come to a healing conference in this new year. We need the fellowship. Well you have a wonderful, peaceful, productive day!


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Brenda Stewart | From: Brooklyn, NY
Posted On: January 18, 2021

My Sister and I watched the musical In God We Trust, it is one of the best musical’s I’ve seen. The singing was so anointed that we kept rewinding some of the songs. And the acting was superb. Some of the scenes brought tears to our eyes. This play should be shown to the outgoing and incoming administration. It is so timely. This Nation needs to remember the biblical principles it was founded on and put them into practice AGAIN! This Nation needs to be reminded, IT IS GOD WHO MAKES THIS NATION GREAT! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Eby Grace | From: KANO Nigeria
Posted On:

This is to appreciate you for what you are doing for the body of Christ. Your teaching has really made a drastic change in my spiritual life. I look forward daily to follow your teachings and Charis Bible teachings on YouTube. Thank you for being a tremendous blessings to me and the entire body of Christ. More testimonies are coming.

My thanks

Category: Uncategorized | Name: LeEtta Oyn | From: Valrico Florida
Posted On: January 15, 2021

Dear Brother Andrew,

I have listened to you for years. So when I heard you were coming to Orlando a couple of years ago I was immediately on the phone with the hotel reservationist. At the time I felt perfectly fine. But as the conference drew closer I began to experience a lot of lower back pain. My husband said, “How are you going to sit in a conference this weekend?”

I was indeed uncomfortable making the drive from Tampa to Orlando. It would have been easy to forget it. But in the car I announced to my husband, as I continued to shift my weight from right to left, “I am NOT coming home in this condition.” And guess what? I DIDN’T! I’m so glad I persevered to attend the meeting. Praise GOD and thank you for the truth! The GOSPEL Truth. You are a real blessing to me and my family.

Brother Andrew, this past year I was so burdened for you and the ministry when the pandemic was causing politicians to close businesses and ministries. My heart ached for all you had to do to prove to the authorities the necessary precautions etc. And the legal matters eventually. I believe you sent out an audio call regarding the matter and I was disheartened, but decided to focus on God and hold you up in prayer.

Recently we sent the ministry an offering (long overdue) and much to my surprise someone from your ministry called to thank us and offered to pray for us. She was lovely. I asked her about the legal situation and was happy to hear the news that all is well.

Brother Andrew, be encouraged. You are making a difference in who knows how many lives and mine is one of them.

You have my utmost respect and are a rare gem in the body of Christ.

LeEtta Oyen

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