Relationship University

Relationships are a fundamental part of human life.

Having far-reaching effects on a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, relationships should not be taken lightly. Yet not many people understand the principles that govern successful relationships because these principles are rarely taught in the light of God’s Word. But relationships were God’s idea in the first place, and He created them for our enjoyment.

Watch this video to learn more about Charis Relationship University.

So if you are a human being, this product is perfect for you! You will learn God’s perfect plan for you and experience successful relationships!

Crafted with the Father’s heart of love, Charis Relationship University box-set curriculum was created to help you and the ones you love discover the truth about healthy, godly relationships. Experienced Charis instructors teach this curriculum, boldly sharing God’s perspective on relevant issues many people shy away from. Andrew Wommack, Duane Sheriff, Mike & Carrie Pickett, Greg Mohr, Rick & Joann McFarland, and Daniel Bennett, along with others, shed light on what these relationships look like.

As you discover these truths, you will:

  • Learn how to look to God—not man—for fulfillment in your specific stage of life.
  • Realize that God put relationship principles and boundaries in place for your good.
  • Discover God’s view of sexuality.
  • Find out that the Bible has the answer to every relationship issue, including yours.
  • Learn to identify, expose, and be set free from the lies that have pervaded our society.
  • Discover how to receive God’s grace and emotional healing no matter what you’ve done.
  • Be free to enjoy your relationships.
  • Be equipped to help others thrive in their relationships too!

The Relationship University curriculum is designed for both individual and group study. It is made up of forty-eight online video lessons and six Q&A panel discussions across multiple topics, such as:

  • The Need for Love and Relationships
  • Freedom from the Past
  • Character Traits of Toxic and Healthy Relationships
  • Successfully Single
  • Dating vs. Courtship
  • Love and Priorities in Marriage
  • What Wives Want and What Husbands Need
  • God’s Vision for Families
  • Parenting
  • Leaving a Family Legacy
  • And more!

The curriculum is divided into three different sections:

  1. EXPECT: How to Believe for Your Relationships—builds your faith for God’s best in the area of your relationships.
  2. EXPERIENCE: How to Walk in Your Relationships—helps you avoid common pitfalls and enjoy godly relationships.
  3. EMPOWER: How to Minister to Relationships—inspires you to confidently minister the truths you have learned and bring emotional healing to others.

Charis Relationship University is an attractive multimedia box-set curriculum that includes three workbooks, a USB drive, and access to an online course platform, which means it’s available to you in written, audio, and video formats.

The three workbooks contain corresponding written material for the video lessons. Each workbook features:

  • Video Lesson Outlines
  • Review Questions
  • Points to Ponder
  • Self-Examination Questions
  • Action Steps
  • Scriptures

The USB drive contains audio recordings of all the video lessons, which allows you the convenience to listen to the teachings on a variety of devices.

The online course platform provides access to all the video lessons, Q&A panel discussions, and printable PDFs of all lesson components—perfect for group study!

Priced at $499, Relationship University is an excellent discipleship tool that can be used by adults or young adults, study groups, and churches.

Don’t remain in the dark on God’s principles for successful relationships. Find out more and order this life-changing resource today.

Or to place your order by phone call our Helpline at 719-635-1111.

To parents: Though you will be equipped to have age-appropriate discussions with your children, due to the sensitive nature of the content, it is not recommended for children younger than thirteen years old.


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