Do you ever wonder what sets Christianity apart from every other religion? While many faiths believe that good deeds are the key to acceptance by God, Christianity’s foundation is built on something far more significant – the empty tomb. Through Jesus, God sent a message of love to the world by dying for us and rising again, defeating both sin and death.

Unlike other religious founders who remain dead, Jesus’ empty tomb serves as proof that God is alive and with us today. The Gospel’s hope and promise of salvation are founded on Christ’s victory over death. There is no Gospel or hope for mankind without the resurrection (1 Cor. 15:17). But because Jesus has risen, Christians are co-victors with Him and have “passed from death unto life” (1 John 3:14).

In his new teaching, The Resurrection Changes Everything, Andrew Wommack addresses the reality of the resurrection and explains why it is true and essential to the Christian faith.

Additionally, you will discover:  

  • That everything hinges on the physical resurrection of Jesus
  • How Jesus fulfilled every single biblical prophecy about the Messiah
  • Why your spirit relates to God more than your flesh ever could
  • What it means to have the resurrection power of Jesus living inside of you

Whether you struggle to feel accepted and loved by God or want to help someone trying to earn their way into heaven, this message is the best news you could ever hear!

Get ready to experience the power of the resurrection and let it change everything!

This teaching is available in the following formats:   

  • The Resurrection Changes Everything CD—$7
  • The Resurrection Changes Everything As-Seen-on-TV DVD—$7
  • The Resurrection Changes Everything USB—$7
  • Are You Satisfied with Jesus? CD Album—$15
  • Are You Satisfied with Jesus? As-Seen-on-TV DVD Album—$15
  • Are You Satisfied with Jesus? USB—$15
  • Are You Satisfied with Jesus? Booklet—$3

The Resurrection Changes Everything

CD Album


The Resurrection Changes Everything

As Seen on TV DVD Album


The Resurrection Changes Everything



Are You Satisfied with Jesus?

CD Album


Are You Satisfied with Jesus?

DVD Album


Are You Satisfied with Jesus?



Are You Satisfied with Jesus?




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