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Charis Bible College will change your life!

Don't take our word for it. Let Maren Hamm tell you how her life was affected by what she learned at Charis Bible College.

Maren Hamm was 9 years old when mysterious symptoms crippled her ability to walk. Her life was changed the day she discovered Healing School and heard for the first time that God wanted her well.

Step #1
Check your email.
We sent you a link to access your course. Make sure it's not in your spam folder.
Step #2
Watch your course.
There are eight lessons that will revolutionize your relationship with God.
Step #3
We'd love your feedback.
We'll touch base soon to find out what you think.

Want more stories? Get the scoop directly from Charis Bible College alumni.

Watch Michael Castillo tell his story of how he went from being a dorm room evangelist to a Sunday Morning Minister in the Dominican Republic!

Hanna Gruber moved from Germany to Woodland Park, CO. Listen to her explain how the mission trips impact students in unexpected ways.

From Uganda to India, Rich Kanyali has traveled all over the world and landed here in Woodland Park to go to Charis Bible College!

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Charis Vision Week

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— Tune in for a special urgent message from Andrew! —

Charis Special Live Stream

Special Live Stream