Online Bible Commentary

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Study the Bible on the go with Andrew’s free online Bible commentary.

  • More than 3,200 notes written by Andrew Wommack.
  • Commentary on 16 New Testament books, from Matthew to 2 Timothy.

This is a great way to read Andrew’s notes on a mobile device or computer.

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Life for Today

Do you prefer studying with physical books?

Andrew's commentary was originally published in print form as the Life for Today book series and is still available today.


Q: Are there notes for every verse?
A: Andrew’s free online Bible commentary contains notes from the Life for Today commentaries which provides notes for about half of the verses. Additional notes are available in the expanded Living Commentary, containing footnotes on over 23,000 of the 31,000 Bible verses.
Q: Why is it called "Note 20 at Acts 2:11" when there is only one note for that verse?
A: The Life for Today Commentary notes on this web site are taken from the printed Life for Today Study Bible series. The system of numbering notes was designed for the printed book and is used throughout the text to refer to other notes. Because of this, it would be very difficult to try and change them.
Q: Why are there references to page numbers?
A: As mentioned above, the commentary notes are taken from a printed study Bible. The page numbers are useful in the printed book but not the web pages.
Q: What is this a reference to? "(see ref. b at v. 37)"
A: There are more features to the printed study Bible than we can include on this web site. We have many marginal references in the printed version with word definitions and related verses. This is a reference to one of these marginal notes.


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