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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Pamela Seeberg

On June 20, 2024

Reaching out from: United States

I had heard for 4 years from Andrew Wommack, Carrie Pickett, and others that knowing God’s love for me is the foundation for believing God’s Word and living the life of faith. I finally made a decision in May 2024 to wholeheartedly pursue knowing God’s love and began watching and meditating on Carrie Pickett’s Life Foundations video teachings and written materials daily for between 1 and 4 hours. It only took about a week to gain some significant confidence in Father and Jesus’ love for me. I am already finding it easier to commit to being a sold-out Christian because of this new confidence in Their love for me. I can see that knowing ever more of Their love for me must be the foundation that my new life is built on. I am proving this by my experience, as I am able to commit to a “lifestyle of intimacy” and of wanting to surrender to Father and Jesus the more I know Their love for me. I look forward to the future as I continue using Andrew and Carrie’s teachings. Thank you so much!

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Thanks to God and Andrew Wommack Ministry

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Julia L. Parker | From: United States
Posted On: June 14, 2024

Hello Andrew and Staff of AWMI,
I have followed for years Andrew and his ministry that God has given him! I especially was blown away with Andrews book “Body, Soul, and Spirit.” I was in legalistic ministries for many years! This wonderful Scriptural message set me free from legalism! I love the Grace message that Andrew teaches! This message is not as the many legalist want to report! They claim that this message is “Live however you desire because God’s Grace covers it!” I know that the AWMI message is it’s JESUS and not something else! Andrew’s Scriptural message has shown me that the more I am transformed by God’s Word, the more I desire to do what Jesus did, loving the Lord my God with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength, with all my mind, and loving my neighbor as myself! HALLELUJAH!! Thank you AWMI for your time and talent to reveal the Scriptures to a lady who really needed to be set free from legalism!! Thank You most of all Father God!

My late donation

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Daniel Woodwell | From: Florida
Posted On: June 7, 2024

I donated today because I have been listening to Andrew for quite a while now and want him to know that his teachings of the word are the best, most comprehensive and uplifting that I have ever heard. I UNDERSTAND more now about biblical lessons than ever in my life. I am definitely being fed and want to acknowledge that in the hopes that I may continue to be enlightened as my life goes by and my spirit grows stronger. Thank you, Andrew and just know that you are bringing more people to God by your style of teaching and conveyance of the word in all its glory.

Healed from Osteoporosis

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Carolyn Steele | From: Lawrenceville, Georgia
Posted On: June 3, 2024

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in 2022 from a bone density test. It is now 2024. My doctor wanted me to have surgery by removing my parathyroids. He was hoping that the surgery would stop the osteoporosis from getting worse. I begin to pray. I remembered what Andrew always said, “We’ve already got it.” I knew then that I was already healed so I began to speak to my spine and bones all over my body. Recently, I was given another bone density test and the osteoporosis was gone! The doctors were scratching their heads wondering what had happened. I told them that it was God. He healed me over 2000 years ago. I just had to believe it. Praise God for Jesus!

Thank you!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Chris manka | From: Wisconsin
Posted On: May 30, 2024

Thank you for your ministry teachings . I send them to my family members to read especially the young ones that are teens. I read your books. Thank you for all this ministry does. God bless !

Walking in divine health!!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Janine Febres Landauro | From: Germany/living in Spain
Posted On:

Halleluja!! I testify that what Andrew preaches is working for me and my family!! After a few years of listening to Andrew’s messages, I’ve become convinced of the truths he’s speaking of inside myself. For example, I now walk in divine health. I’m a mother of 8 children and like all children they bring all kinds of caughs and colds home from school. Although I still many times am tempted to think “oh, it’s gonna get me too” I resist these thoughts now inside of me and stand boldly on the word of God that “by HIS stripes I AM HEALED” and I refuse to allow my body to get sick!! I feel a little throat ache or headache and I command it go in Jesus name and I refuse to accept these symptoms in any way – on the next day I’m all good and normal Praise GOD!! Thank you Andrew and Jamie!!


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Céline Bilongo | From: Cameroun
Posted On: May 29, 2024

I was born again in June 2020, being enrolled in a legalistic Christian training center. The emphasis was more on God’s punishment if one does not obey. Very quickly I began to develop a fear of God, I saw God as a very rigorous judge and I collapsed under the weight of guilt since I was unable to obey completely. I came across Andrew’s teachings in 2023, by chance and there I learned that God loves me not because I am lovable but because he is Love.
I no longer feel guilty, and I love God because it is easier to love a person who loves us unconditionally.
Andrew’s teachings gave me a different perception of Christian life.
I thank God for that.

(Translated from French)

Love your teachings

Category: Uncategorized | Name: David Cesare Vest | From: United States
Posted On: May 28, 2024

I love your ministry and teachings within it. It is not just you but others in your ministry such a Carrie Pickett. She is a joy and is an outstanding teacher. I can’t wait for her show to come on. I am truly a member of your Charis family!


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Judy murphy | From: Santa Rosa, california
Posted On:

My husband and I love THE LORD so much. We are elderly, 80, and 81, and in great shape, by GODS GRACE. A year ago my husband of 61 years said we need to find a church that believes in healing because of our age and there seems to be no churches in the area that focused on that. We decided to watch and then become a partner and we so enjoy your teachings. I’m going through the authority of the believer workbook now and can’t put it down. ALSO , we went to the CURE, and my long-standing foot and neck problem got healed. My husband desires to hear again and is believing for that.
Just a plain THANK YOU is what I desire to impress upon you and your committment to stewarding your giftings as a good shepherd of OUR LORD, and thank you to Jamie also, what a message she is to being a sweet wife.
We love and appreciate you


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Corinne Adams | From: Denver Pennsylvania
Posted On:

I have been listening to Andrew for about 13 Years. I have been GREATLY blessed by this ministry. Around 10 or 11 years ago, I felt the Lord tell me that my husband and I are supposed to attend Charis and come back to our home state of Pennsylvania and have a Charis campus. I’m still holding on that vision even though it’s been over a decade! We did make it To Colorado last September to celebrate my 50th birthday and we attended day 3 of the Vision conference We were able to sit in on a first year class with Wendell and then attend the healing school later that day. I can’t wait to come back as my heart is in CO. I also wanted to say that every time I read Isaiah 2:2-3 I think of Charis Bible College. I know it’s talking about Jerusalem, but I can’t help to think of Charis and what an awesome world wide ministry this is! A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to Andrew and Jamie for their faithfulness and obedience to The Lord all these years. See you soon! Corinne Adams

Financial blessing

Category: Uncategorized | Name: AJ | From: Alabama
Posted On:

Last night, I decided to sow my last $12 into the building fund and today a family member blessed me with 50 dollars. God’s word never fails! If what you have isn’t enough turn it into a seed

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