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Featured Testimony:

Submitted by: Pamela Seeberg

On June 20, 2024

Reaching out from: United States

I had heard for 4 years from Andrew Wommack, Carrie Pickett, and others that knowing God’s love for me is the foundation for believing God’s Word and living the life of faith. I finally made a decision in May 2024 to wholeheartedly pursue knowing God’s love and began watching and meditating on Carrie Pickett’s Life Foundations video teachings and written materials daily for between 1 and 4 hours. It only took about a week to gain some significant confidence in Father and Jesus’ love for me. I am already finding it easier to commit to being a sold-out Christian because of this new confidence in Their love for me. I can see that knowing ever more of Their love for me must be the foundation that my new life is built on. I am proving this by my experience, as I am able to commit to a “lifestyle of intimacy” and of wanting to surrender to Father and Jesus the more I know Their love for me. I look forward to the future as I continue using Andrew and Carrie’s teachings. Thank you so much!

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Category: Uncategorized | Name: Chilwa Kiliaki | From: TANZANIA
Posted On: May 2, 2024

Dear Andrew
I started listening to your teachings, especially on healing and related testimonies! In June 2022, while in the US, I called your prayer line to ask for prayers for my young sister ( who is mentally challenged) who was diagnosed with HIV – Stage 4!
One of your prayer warriors agreed with me and prayed for my sister; commanding in the Name of Jesus, the HIV virus and any other affliction on my sister’s body to get out and be gone! I believed instantly that my sister was healed! In the first week of July 2022, I went back to TANZANIA and found my sister with all the symptoms of acute HIV, including loss of weight and appetite! Consequently, she was on monthly doses of about 4 kinds of medication per day! In faith, I stopped all the medications! And by end of July, my sister gained her normal weight back and all symptoms disappeared! Indeed, by His stripes we were healed -even the incurable diseases. ALL GLORY BE TO JESUS OUR SAVIOR 🙏🏾
I’m grateful for your Ministry🙌🏽

mr andrew wommack

Category: Uncategorized | Name: tammy c faye | From: United States
Posted On: April 30, 2024

i want to thank u for helping me when i was lock up for 5 years all books i ask for u sent them & i left with others i past them on like i said i would i been out for a week now as of today God is good to me i wanted to tell u, u have help me understand God word and walk with GOD thank you my name is tammy faye i was lock up for the past week GOd has open many blessing doors for me please keep me in prayer that my case be done and no more time to do but i can keep growing in my faith GOD BLESS thank you every thing or book i ask for you would send and i keep my word to you and past them on to others there in prison to who God would show me in need of is word but i did keep one cause i was not yet done reading and studying it how to find follow fulfill gods word again i love your teaching of God word now that iam out they trying to make me go in fornt of judge cause they made amistake on something i did my full time flat i have faith keep me in prayer


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Ekei Favour | From: Cameroon
Posted On: April 23, 2024

1- I’ve had severe back pain since 2018 and I related it toy job as a hairstylist. While searching for how to pray for healing for my nephew and niece, I stumbled on the healing journeys. I watched almost every testimony and I was so encouraged in faith. 3 days later I realised all my back was gone. The pain eventually came back but then I knew I has to put my authority in Christ to work. I spoke to the pain for a few days and now I am pain free. Hallelujah
2- Friday 19/04/24, while showering, I slid and fell and hit my back against a sharp edge step. For a few seconds the thought that my vertebrae was hurt came to my mind but immediately I stood up despite the unbearable pain and rebuked the pain and declared my body healed and whole by the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in me. I made myself do what I ought to do knowing that my back is healed despite the pain. Thoughts of fear came but I brought them into captivity by the word of God. Today I am pain free. Hallelujah

Thank you

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Dennis | From: Alabama
Posted On: April 22, 2024

I teach a 15 week Bible class every year and each year I have been under much spiritual warfare. I asked your prayer team to pray for protection at the first of the year and it has been the best class I have taught in 10 years. All the usual hindrances and discouragements went away! My pastor even came to my class and I got to know him much better. Thank you so much for your obedience to the Lord and your willingness to lift others up. Tell Andrew he is greatly cherished for his ministry. My favorite Bible teacher!

Praise Report

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Julie Lunan | From: Nashville, TN
Posted On: April 11, 2024

Hi, Andrew and all of AWMI!
I always want to thank you for all you are doing in Kingdom work and for how well you are equipping your students in the Holy Spirit! I was first drawn to you years ago because of your healing miracles, which I know myself are so, so real. God calls us to bring His miraculous healing to people in prayer, for sure.
Your prayer support is so great for me all the time, and I really love confirming what I’m hearing from Holy Spirit through your own prayer warriors.
Five years ago I was called into ministry for the homeless and hungry in Nashville, after many years of preparation, and my next essential step is making a documentary on the homeless to open people’s hearts and show God’s Love for them.
I am asking God to remove all internal and external blocks to fundraising (a new step for me) and that I move all the way in His Will in all of His work for me.
Thank you, thank you, for everything you are sharing and teaching!
In Jesus’ Holy Name! Amen.


Category: Uncategorized | Name: Thelma McNeal | From: Jacksonville, Illinois
Posted On: April 8, 2024

Thanks for all that you do for the Kingdom of God. I watched the Healings services on the internet for the first time the other day. Healing 2024. The Spirit of the LORD is always in the building. I am a Evangelist and fill the Spirit move every time I watch the services. In the teachings, testimonies, and music. I Thank God for Pastor Andrew. I use to be a partner when he first started years ago. I went through some hardships the last two months. I have always stood on the Word as a Believer. I reconnected with Pastor Andrew again and by faith received my healing. I have always been call a finantic. Pastor Andrew called out jaw pain during the service and I knew without a doubt that he was speaking to me. I claimed my healing and ran around praising the LORD! I plan on visiting Colorado before the year is over and can’t wait to meet my sisters and brothers in Christ. I Love You All and would appreciate your prayers. God Bless You!

Thank you Andrew and Jamie!

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Mary Mathieu | From: Texas
Posted On:

Thank you Andrew and Jamie for all you are doing for the Body of Christ today! I know the Lord has raised you up in these end times to speak the truth with boldness!

When I stepped onto your campus for the Healing is Here Conference in 2021, I sensed the Lord’s presence in such a mighty way! Everyone I came in contact with from volunteers to those working for your ministry were exuberantly joyful and welcoming! What I especially appreciated is your allowing other ministers the opportunity to use their gifts. It was so amazing to see how all the gifts complemented each other to exalt Jesus! I loved how you walked and talked with “non-ministry” people after the sessions! My sister and I thought it was the best conference we had ever attended!

Your teachings are direct, easy to understand and life changing! Thank you for pursuing the Lord and for standing boldly for the Gospel in these end times as a light to the nations!

grateful for you & Jamie’s “yes” to God

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Monica S | From: Wa state
Posted On: April 1, 2024

He is risen! We are forgiven!
God is faithful!
Merciful, generous, loving, righteous, and not fair. Thank you, Jesus, You bore in Your flesh that which i, we all of us, deserved.
Thank you AW & Jamie, for showing me the Lord as i had not been able to hear of, learn of, from any others when seeking to grow as a child freshly Christian. God is so good! And, to me. To all of us!
Thank you, sir. May you-all have enjoyed a beautiful Pass-over Holiday.
Agape from Wa state

Prayer of Agreement against a diagnosis of a Heart Attack

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Amanda Jackson | From: Montgomery Alabama
Posted On: March 26, 2024

On March 20th 2024, My mothers EKG and blood work was abnormal. Her doctor recommended that she go to the Er because her report showed abnormalities of her heart. While there, one doctor tried to convince us that she had a heart attack a couple of days ago and if she had another one she may not survive. We started to pray against the diagnosis and I decided to call the pray line for a prayer of agreement that my mother would be released. Fast forward to the next morning, her vital signs were normal and the Doctor who was making his rounds told us that she did not have a heart attack and the issue was something else which was minor. She was released. I can’t remember the gentlemen’s name who prayed for my mom but thank you so much. The prayer of agreement is powerful.

Thank you

Category: Uncategorized | Name: Thi Kim Phu Nguyen | From: Canada
Posted On: March 25, 2024

Dear Jamie and Andrew,

On the last week of September 2023, my YouTube poped up Andrew Womack teaching. I don’t remember the title of the teaching. However, after listening to his first teaching I was like, I had been so thirsty in the desert searching for water and suddenly I found the water. From that day on, I have searched Andrew’s teaching and have tried to listen to his teaching as much as I can. I don’t feel condemn any more after listening one of his series Spirit, Soul and Body. What a relief! I continue to know God more and learn how to renew my mind through Mr. Andrew’s teaching. Thank you God for leading me to find Mr. Andrew Womack’s teaching. Thank you Mr. Andrew and Jamie for deeply loving God and faithfully following God’s word and then teach us so that we can know God better in the short time. Deeply appreciated. Praise God for He has son and daughter like both of you.❤.
(I am Andrew Womack partner since October 2023. )

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