Peace: Spread the Word

Peace: Spread the Word

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. . . . And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Luke 2:11 and 13-14, emphasis mine

The angels conveyed such a simple idea to mankind on the day that became the first Christmas: peace. The birth of the newborn child, Jesus, signaled the end of the conflict between God and man. This Savior of the world would one day put away sin, once and for all, by the sacrifice of Himself (Heb. 9:26). God and man would be forever reconciled. Joy to the world!

Even in an increasingly secular culture, many songs and symbols of the Christmas season still share the story of this Savior who was born in Bethlehem. At Christmastime, people in our lives are open to hearing about Jesus, probably more than any other time of the year.

Because of this, I use this season for a Christmas tradition with an evangelistic twist.

I love baking Christmas treats—pumpkin bread with chocolate chips, date-filled cookies, pretzel turtles, peanut butter balls—to give to family, neighbors, and friends.

On my list of people to give to, I always make sure to include some who don’t know the Lord. When I prepare their bags of tasty, homemade goodies, I include a note or card that shares the Gospel message with them.

Such a simple gesture could be thought of as unimportant, but the Lord revealed to me one year just how much He notices even the simplest things we do for Him.

This particular year, I was delivering a bag of goodies to a real estate client I had worked with. I knew she was not a believer, so I had included her on my list. I went to her home and rang her doorbell and was greeted by a man holding his two- or three-year-old daughter. He smiled at me warmly when I wished him a Merry Christmas and handed him the bag of sweets.

As I turned to leave, I glanced at the young girl nestled so confidently in her daddy’s arms. I smiled at her, and with a twinkle in her eyes, she smiled back.

I returned to my car, struck by those shining eyes. Clear, unguarded, and inviting, they looked at me as though I were the most fascinating person in the universe. It wasn’t just the little girl who smiled back at me that day; it was the Lord.

Consider starting a Christmas tradition of your own! During this special time of year, take a moment to reach out to those who need to know the Savior. Share the good tidings of great joy, that God sent His Son to bring peace on earth to all of us. God’s not mad, and the world needs to know!


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