Ministry Blog

Preparation Time Is Never Wasted Time

Can someone with only a high school education become an airline pilot? The obvious answer is no, but many Christians don‘t realize the same concept applies to finding, following, and fulfilling God’s will for their lives. Stepping into our calling involves following the Lord’s leading and moving at His pace. God cares more about how…

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The Power of a Merry Heart

I don’t know many people who wake up in the morning and say, “I want to be depressed and sad today.” Yet many people carry around burdens and sorrow each day that aren’t theirs to carry. God’s Word has a lot to say about having a joyful heart. Proverbs 15:13 says, “A merry heart maketh…

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Financial Stewardship

Jesus said trusting Him with our money was the least use of our faith (Luke 16:9–11). If we can’t do that which is least, then we can’t do the greater things. This is very important to understand.  I think the whole key to biblical prosperity is to look at yourself as a steward and not…

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Campus Expansion for Kingdom Advancement

Have you noticed God’s hand at work in the world today? In recent years, the fight for people’s hearts and minds has really been heating up. And although the devil is a defeated foe, he continues to wage war against the church. The battle has always been about souls. This is where Charis Bible College…

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Discover How God Sees You

There is a desire inside all human beings to make a difference in the world. But how can you make a difference in the lives of others if you don’t understand who you are and how God sees you? The good news is you are a child of God! And as a child of God,…

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Creative Ways to Give

Spreading the Gospel as far and as deep as possible is the number one mission of Andrew Wommack Ministries, and we’ve experienced supernatural growth that has allowed us to increase our reach over time. But we are ever mindful of one thing—none of what we do would be possible without the support of our partners….

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Relationship with God Leads to Vision

In a world full of distractions, do you crave rest, deeper intimacy with God, and a vision for your future? Make plans to attend the 2022 Women Arise Conference at Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado! Bring your friends, mothers, sisters, and daughters November 3–5, and immerse yourselves in God’s Word together. This year’s…

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The Faith of God

All believers recognize the importance of faith. Faith is critical to our relationship with the Lord. The Bible says it’s impossible to please God without faith (Heb. 11:6) and that all things are possible to those who believe (Mark 9:23). So, the question isn’t “Do we need faith?” The question is “Do we have faith—and…

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Shepherding God’s Sheep: The Job of a Pastor

The mission of tending to the flock of God is not an easy one, and having compassion for God’s people is only one aspect of a pastor’s responsibilities. From discipleship and laboring in the Word to helping church members reach their full potential—pastors have their work cut out for them. Fortunately, the Association of Related…

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Take Time for God

Ministry is a rewarding calling, and ministers are blessed by God to do His work on this earth. Yet ministers often find themselves burned out and struggling to remember the desire for ministry they had at the beginning of their journey.  If this sounds like you, then you need to make time for the Lord…

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