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Elementor #1035160

Don’t miss Andrew’s live stream event!December 19 at 6 pm.

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The Laws That Govern Faith

I think one of the biggest breakthroughs I experienced in receiving from God was understanding that faith is governed by laws. I used to think healing was just an arbitrary decision the Lord made about each individual based on some unknown criteria. We just had to believe as best we could, but we never knew…

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Fifty-Five Years and Counting

This year is the fifty-fifth year since the Lord miraculously changed my life forever. It was a night I will never forget. What has happened since then is nothing short of miraculous. Thank you, Jesus!  I knew instantly that I would spend the rest of my life sharing what the Lord had done for me…

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End of Year Giving

Your financial support sends the Good News of the Gospel to the entire world! You have the opportunity to advance the Kingdom of God and make disciples of Jesus Christ through your giving. Thevision is BIG,but God is BIGGER! Andrew has a big vision — to take the good news of the Gospel of Christ…

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Discover How God Sees You

There is a desire inside all human beings to make a difference in the world. But how can you make a difference in the lives of others if you don’t understand who you are and how God sees you? The good news is you are a child of God! And as a child of God,…

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Protected: Special Offers!

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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Laboring to Enter

I’m genuinely concerned about the covenant clash that exists in the church in the area of worship. We say we know that we are the temples of the Holy Spirit and that of course we know that He dwells within us, but at the same time, we are asking God to show up, and doing…

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Redeeming Love Ministers to Orphans in War-Torn Congo

It was 1996 and war had broken out in the African Congo. The years of cruel leadership from the dictator Muboto had caused neighboring groups and tribes to ally against him in a rebellion. These groups were survivors and refugees of the Rwanda genocide that had happened just next door a few years earlier. At…

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