Ministry Blog

Fear of Missing Out

I used to be preoccupied with finding God’s will for my life. Don’t get me wrong; desiring God’s will is not a bad thing. But my heart so badly wanted everything God had for me that this obsession morphed into a fear of missing His will. Being a planner and a left-brained, analytical thinker did…

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What Were You Born to Do?

Have you ever met someone and thought, You are doing exactly what you were born to do? I know I have. Then I wonder, Am I doing what I was born to do? and, How do I know for sure? I believe all of us ask ourselves these questions at some point in our lives….

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When I Grow Up

What do you want to be when you grow up? When you were five years old, what was your answer? A doctor, a fireman, an actress? We don’t usually consider this question after our high school years. We’re mature now, and that notion is for kids. Right? But I think you should reconsider it today,…

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What Is Your Calling for Today?

All this talk of destiny and calling in Christian circles can leave you feeling dizzy about where you are in life. Sure, life shouldn’t be about what makes you feel good all the time. The Gospel is the Good News and not necessarily the “feel-good news.” But if you’re not careful, you can get wrapped…

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Prospering by Accident

Tim Abello and his family were exploring a small Christian bookstore near their home in Oklahoma when he discovered a book by Andrew Wommack—You’ve Already Got It! He found the back cover description to be a humorous reflection of his life and walk with Christ. After purchasing it, Tim couldn’t put the book down. In…

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Keep Running—Don’t Quit!

I was running as fast as I could, holding a lei of white flowers in my hand. My destination was clear. Out of nowhere, someone crossed my path, blocking my way. What I saw terrified me. First, I thought it was a person, but as I got closer, I realized it was a demon. The…

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Faith is a Thrill Ride

I was strapped inside and couldn’t move. As I sat on the roller coaster with my teenage son, I wondered if this was a big mistake. How fast did this thing go? Did it really go upside down? Maybe I should get out and request the most recent inspection report. Before I could even finish…

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