What Were You Born to Do?

What Were You Born to Do?

Have you ever met someone and thought, You are doing exactly what you were born to do? I know I have. Then I wonder, Am I doing what I was born to do? and, How do I know for sure?

I believe all of us ask ourselves these questions at some point in our lives. Is God’s will for us just a guessing game? Is it something we’ll happen to stumble upon accidentally? Or, is it something we can know for certain and even something we need to purposefully pursue?

In Andrew’s teaching, How to Find, Follow, and Fulfill God’s Will, he proves through Scripture that God has a specific and perfect plan for each of us, He wants us to know what that plan is, and it’s up to us to find it. That sounds like God is putting a lot of pressure on us, right? Well, He’s not really.

What’s the one thing God wants from His people more than anything else? A relationship! As Andrew discusses, it’s through this relationship that we can know God’s will for our lives.

Romans 12:1-2 says to “present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. [2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Andrew explains, “The general will that God has for everyone is to be a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable unto God. . . . There is a good and then an acceptable and then a perfect will of God. . . . It’s step by step by step; you have to begin. . . . The first step is that you have to become a living sacrifice. . . . You need to quit running and controlling your own life and instead turn it over to the Lord.”

It’s encouraging to know, as Andrew states, that God “wants you. He wants fellowship with you. He wants relationship with you. That’s what God’s will for your life is.” As you surrender yourself to God and diligently seek Him, He’ll begin to reveal His purpose to you.

However, once we discover His will, that’s not the end of the story; now we have to walk it out. One of the hardest parts about following God’s will is moving in His timing. Moses tried to bring God’s will to pass when he moved in his own strength and killed an Egyptian (Ex. 2:11-12 and Acts 7:24-28). Attempting to rush God’s timing actually set Moses back thirty years (Gen. 15:13 and Ex. 12:41)!

Following and fulfilling God’s will is a lifelong pursuit. Many Christians stop seeking God once they know His will, thinking they can then take matters into their own hands. But God wants us chasing after Him all the time. As we do, He’ll reveal more and more of His specific plans for our lives, and the timing will always be perfect.

Finding God’s plan for your life isn’t a secret, but you will have to search for it like the precious treasure that it is. It’s worth it because there’s no better place to be than in the center of God’s perfect will. When you walk in the truths that Andrew explains in How to Find, Follow, and Fulfill God’s Will, others will then say of you, “You’re someone who’s doing exactly what you were born to do!”

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