Preparation Time Is Never Wasted Time

Preparation time is never wasted time

Can someone with only a high school education become an airline pilot? The obvious answer is no, but many Christians don‘t realize the same concept applies to finding, following, and fulfilling God’s will for their lives. Stepping into our calling involves following the Lord’s leading and moving at His pace. God cares more about how well prepared we are for the journey than how quickly we arrive.

Tessa Swearengin’s decision to attend Worship Arts School at Charis Bible College was the first pivotal step God used in steering her toward the purpose He had for her life.

While attending Charis, Tessa and her husband, Joe, received a word from God that one day they would have their own church in Woodland Park, Colorado. But after graduation, their life took an unexpected turn to serve another pastor in another state. On the surface it may have seemed like an unforeseen detour, but they would soon discover God was more concerned with preparing their hearts.

Joe and Tessa
Joe and Tessa Swearengin.
Tessa Swearengin sings with Charis choir.

They faithfully served another man’s vision, utilizing all the tools and lessons they had learned during their three years at Charis. Whether helping with youth ministry, directing worship, or maintaining buildings, every task strengthened their skills and sharpened their vision. At one point, Tessa heard the Lord say, “The same way you’ve served another man’s vision, I’m going to send people who will serve your vision just as faithfully and just as wholeheartedly.”

We both felt like sponges that were being squeezed, and every drop that came out was something we had learned at Charis Bible College. I believe there’s a timing to everything God speaks to our hearts, and preparation time is so important because there are things God wants to do in us before He wants to do them through us.

— Tessa Swearengin

Tessa’s time at Charis Worship Arts School helped prepare her to step into her purpose and embrace her destiny. Today, she and Joe are the pastors of Freedom Church in Woodland Park. She leads worship for their church and is also the worship lead coordinator at Charis, fulfilling the calling God placed on her heart.

Like David, who was anointed king while still a shepherd boy (1 Sam. 16:12–13), Tessa did not act on her anointing right away. She went through a period of preparation to become rooted and grounded in God’s Word on the inside before stepping into the call of God on her life.

Has God placed a desire in your heart for worship? If so, have you buried that dream for lack of knowledge and skills? If you want to learn more about God’s plan for your life and take steps toward achieving it, we invite you to come to Charis Bible College.

Visit to learn how the Third-Year Worship Arts School can develop your gifts and help you turn your heart’s desire into a reality.

And remember: preparation time is never wasted time!


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