More than a Dream

Are you already making a list of New Year’s resolutions? Instead of trying to change yourself, let the Word change you at the 2017 Phoenix Gospel Truth Seminar on January 5-7. Admit it—most resolutions end up as unfulfilled dreams anyway.

Andrew Wommack visits Arizona at the open of each year, along with a guest speaker, to kick off his first GTS of the new year. This year’s guest speaker is Dr. Bill Winston. People travel from all over the United States and Canada to attend this event. The 2016 seminar produced many supernatural healings as Andrew and Arthur Meintjes taught on pride and humility.

“I took fifteen pages of notes last night,” said attendee Kelly about one of the evening meetings. “Andrew said if you could get yourself out of the way, you could be effective. That was my takeaway last night.”

“We are having a great time,” one couple said. “It is a great way to bring in the new year.”

One person had this to say about the last Phoenix GTS:

“This was the first place I was able to see Andrew in person. This is like full circle. [I] went to Charis Bible College, and now I am back at the PhoenixGTS. You are free to develop relationships. It is a melting pot of different cultures…. What a better way to spend New Year’s [than] getting the Word and being in God’s presence!”

Jerry, another attendee, said that he liked “the casual style, the personable prayer, the congregation, the facility, the city, meeting Andrew, and some of the prayer ministers. It was a wonderful experience!”

On top of connecting with other like-minded believers and enjoying the teaching, many were also healed. In one instance, cataracts had clouded the eyesight of one man who received prayer. After ministry, his vision started clearing up and he could see the lights become brighter. He returned the next night to tell the prayer minister that he wasn’t wearing glasses anymore because his eyes were clear. Another healing occurred when a woman was prayed for who had a cyst on her sinuses, causing her sinuses to be blocked and her eye to droop. After prayer, her sinuses instantly opened and her eye no longer drooped! Another woman had trouble sleeping at night, so she went for prayer. The next day she came back and reported that she slept the whole night through.

And the healings kept coming! Another guest of the event received prayer for his limited hearing—and complete hearing was restored in both ears. An attendee who had suffered debilitating side effects from a stroke was also healed after prayer from the ministry team. This person was able to march, do heel lifts, and even go for a walk! One prayer minister alone reported praying for eight different people who suffered from back pain, and every one of them walked away no longer feeling pain.

What do you want to see in 2017? Whether you need direction for the coming year, help getting out of debt, or even the motivation to get in shape, the Word empowers you with “all things that pertain unto life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3).

Don’t wait! Make plans to come to the next Phoenix GTS, on January 5-7, with Andrew Wommack and Dr. Bill Winston. The conference is free, but please register ahead of time. It’s a great way to start the New Year!

Your life will be transformed as your heart grabs a hold of the Word that goes out. It’s much more than a dream. Make one New Year’s resolution: Attend the 2017 Phoenix Gospel Truth Seminar. You’ll be glad you did!

Post a comment below if you plan on coming!


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