Ministry Blog

Faith for Healing is Based on Knowledge

Faith is based on knowledge, and everything we need to know to be a victorious Christian is explained in God’s Word. Learn a few basic truths to make a huge difference in releasing His power!

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Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh

This thorn in the flesh that Paul mentioned has been used and misused by Christians to justify submitting to nearly any problem that comes along. Let us reexamine this closely and find out exactly what Paul’s thorn in the flesh was.

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God Wants You Well

Is what you believe good for your health? If you believe God uses sickness to teach you something, you might want to think again. Your health depends on it!

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You’ve Already Got It!

God has already blessed, healed, and prospered you. Don’t struggle under feelings of condemnation and unworthiness anymore. Everything has already been given to you as a gift from God.

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