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God’s Kind of Love

Most of us think that we really understand the love of God, but our experience proves otherwise. We all need a greater revelation of God’s unconditional love for us!

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Discover the Keys to Staying Full of God

God’s healed you, blessed you, and filled you with His presence. So, how do you keep from losing what He’s done? By understanding these four keys!

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As I Have Loved You

You can’t give away what you don’t have; so before you can give God’s love, you need to first understand it and receive it. As you do, you will be freed and empowered to love others the way Jesus commanded.

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The True Nature of God

Is He the God of judgment found in the Old Testament, or the God of mercy and grace found in the New Testament? The answer will set you free and give you confidence in your relationship with God.

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Eternal Life

Most people don’t know what the Bible means when it talks about eternal life. After all, in heaven or hell, everyone lives forever. Eternal life is knowing God. And when you know that, the question becomes: “How do I begin?”

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How to Hear God’s Voice

Hearing the voice of God is probably the most important element in having a victorious Christian life. The trouble is, there are many voices. Be sure you know which one is God’s.

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