Ministry Blog

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

Have you ever had apprehension about the future? Do the problems facing you or the nation seem daunting? Allow Andrew to encourage you and help you stand strong. God’s Word will tell you exactly how to do it.

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The Power of Hope

A negative imagination will lead to defeat, but hope—a positive imagination—will help bring about all the blessings that are yours in Christ. Learn the true power of hope!

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Dwelling in God’s Presence

Most of the promises of God—probably more than you realize—are conditional upon abiding in His presence. Let Andrew show you how to dwell in God’s presence today and every day.

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Spiritual Authority

Spiritual authority is an indispensable ingredient in God’s recipe for victory. If you don’t understand your authority, you will always be waiting on the Lord to do something He told you to do.

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God’s Word—The Seed of His Blessing

A true revelation of God’s Word is essential for a victorious Christian life. The Word of God often refers to itself as a seed. There is a germination process for the Word that takes time and brings tremendous blessing.

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The Effects of Praise

The effects that praise can cause are unstoppable! The devil runs, unbelief leaves the heart, and God is blessed.

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Our Authority Releases God’s Power

There are many keys to seeing the miraculous power of God manifest on a consistent basis. Understanding and using our authority, becoming commanders not beggars, is the key to seeing miracles happen.

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Don’t Limit God

You need to change the image you have of yourself to experience the unlimited, abundant life God has for you. With this teaching, let the Word of God paint a picture on the inside of you and watch what He does in and through you.

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Living in the Balance of Grace & Faith

In the body of Christ, grace and faith are often seen as opposing forces. Andrew exposes many of the misconceptions behind this and teaches how to receive from God by bringing grace and faith into balance.

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The Believer’s Authority

Does a believer really have authority? If so, over what? And how does it work? Andrew shares from God’s Word on this all-important subject that may challenge everything you’ve been taught in church.

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