Censored: Focus on the Family’s The Daily Citizen

Picture of people with Twitter logo over their mouths as though they are silenced

The Ministry Reacts to Alarming Rise in Big Tech’s Censorship of Conservative Voices

“Twitter suspended the account of Focus on the Family’s The Daily Citizen for telling the truth in a tweet. The tweet included the following sentence: ‘Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.’ Twitter called that hate speech. The science of DNA says that you can’t change the gender you were born with. And the Word says, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? (Gal. 4:16). We stand with Focus on the Family, and we stand against censorship. We love all people—and that love compels us to tell the truth.”

Andrew Wommack, President and founder of Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College

On January 29, 2021, the ministry sent out the following press release to draw attention to the latest chapter in the alarming rise in the censorship of conservative viewpoints by Big Tech:

Andrew Wommack Ministries joins conservative voices to protest Twitter’s decision to block Focus on the Family’s The Daily Citizen 

Woodland Park, CO, Jan. 29, 2021—Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWMI) stands with concerned Americans across the country today to express its opposition to the decision by Twitter to block Focus on the Family’s The Daily Citizen due to an alleged rules violation. Twitter blocked the Christian outlet, even after an appeal. Twitter carried out the account block stating its position that the organization had posted “hateful” content. “Twitter’s decision is blatant censorship,” said Richard Harris, General Counsel for Andrew Wommack Ministries. “Focus on the Family’s statement poses no danger to anyone and does not incite violence or any other improper behavior. It seems, according to Twitter, simply acknowledging the undisputed fact of a person’s biological gender is now ‘hateful’.” 

The tweet posted on @FocusCitizen included this sentence discussing President Biden’s new transgender Assistant Secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services: “Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.” “Our concern is that with Focus on the Family’s account being blocked, all Christian conservative organizations could be next,” said Harris. “If stating the facts from a biblical perspective of what constitutes gender gets you banned, then the freedom to speak of all Christian organizations is in jeopardy.”  “Andrew Wommack Ministries is deeply concerned that there is a coordinated effort to silence those who hold Christian convictions,” Harris said. “We ask all Americans to pray and to speak out to let Big Tech and our elected representatives know that this assault on essential freedom is not acceptable. This targeting of free speech, religious liberty and the whole ‘Cancel Culture’ is a rapidly growing phenomenon that has no end in sight.  We must act now.”  

You can help!

Here’s something easy that we can all do: sign Focus on the Family’s petition today. Please don’t leave this page thinking you’ll return to it later. Follow the button below now…your signature can make a real difference!

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