What’s your worship like? Are you being transformed into the image of God, or conformed to the ways of this world? Psalm 148 reveals that God created us for worship and it’s no wonder when we consider the powerful impact. Not only does it drive away anxiety, depression, and stress, it also brings excruciating pain to the devil and wreaks havoc on his lies. Most importantly though, worship helps us connect with and focus on our heavenly Father!
Whether you are with us in person or through our live stream events, Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College offer multiple ways for you to join in worship, including:
- Free Conferences throughout the year
- Charis Worship and Gospel Truth Conference Band CDs
- Charis Worship on GospelTruth.TV, Mondays and Wednesdays at 8 a.m.
- Healing School with Daniel Amstutz on GospelTruth.TV Thursdays at 1 p.m.
A great way to worship on the go is with our new live worship albums! Visit our online store to purchase your copies today! You’ll love Every Praise, from the Gospel Truth Conference Band, led by Charlie & Jill LeBlanc, with special vocals by Jamie Wommack. And Standing, from Charis Worship led by Daniel Amstutz, will help you renew your mind to the truth of God’s Word.
This is just what happened to Charis Bible College graduate, Johnny Rhodes, who had a life-changing experience with God during worship on his first day at Charis. “As I raised my hands, the love of God just washed over me,” he said, “and thirty years of abuse, anger, and rage that had been choking me began to fall off”.
Worship is so powerful, and thanks to you, our partners, we are able to provide worship experiences that are setting people free! Visit our website for the rest of Johnny’s story.
At the end of the day, it all comes back to your relationship with God. As you explore the different worship opportunities that AWM and Charis have made available to you, we encourage you to share them with others. In doing so, you will be sharing the love of God and helping Andrew take the Gospel as far and as deep as possible!
Note: Testimonies have been edited for length and clarity.