Thirty Years of a Timely Word

Andrew Wommack Ministries 30th anniversary of the phone center

This year, Andrew Wommack Ministries celebrates thirty years of providing encouragement, resources, and powerful prayer to believers around the world. Established in 1991, the AWM Phone Center has been a valuable resource to millions of people, and in 2021, this service is more important than ever. And because of that, we’ve been busier than ever. Setting records, expanding our hours, and extending our staff to include ministers throughout the United States, the Phone Center continues to overcome challenges and reach more people with the truth of the Gospel. The Phone Center has taken thirty years of experience and kept biblical truths available no matter the challenge. 

Founded on a Vision 

The Phone Center started in 1991 with only five phones, which Andrew himself manned along with some of his team. But the goal established then—to provide prayer, encouragement, and resources to the body of Christ—has been the guiding force that has allowed for so much good to come to those who call. In 2020, our phone ministers fielded over 550,000 calls. In the last five years alone, we have prayed for over 1.7 million people. 

Our ministers are trained to provide our partners, friends, and first-time callers with the best experience they can. They stand with callers by speaking the Word of God, praying with authority, and providing resources to help them continue to grow in their faith. Through our Phone Center, we have heard testimonies of healing, repaired relationships, supernatural prosperity, and more. 

Blessings Received 

The testimonies we’ve heard over the years are amazing. Renee knows the healing power of prayer. She says, “Patty prayed with me last week regarding an allergic reaction I was having in my body that caused my throat to tighten up whenever I ate or drank something. So I am returning to testify that God has healed me from this demonic attack. The symptoms have waned tremendously and I am so thankful that I did not fill the prescription for steroids but rather pressed in and trusted God to deliver me. He is faithful. I love and appreciate your powerful ministry!” 

Miracles weren’t just for the time when Jesus walked the earth. We can experience this same power today. That’s what happened to Jessica. “I just wanted to say. Thank you Jesus for healing me and thank you to Andrew Wommack’s prayer teams for agreeing with me for the healing of heavy bleeding. Now, the bleeding has completely ceased, and I am completely healed, just like the woman with the issues of blood got healed. I just ordered some of your books on the Believer’s Authority and You’ve Already Got It! God bless your ministry.” When we stand together in faith, miracles do happen. That’s what makes the Phone Center ministry so powerful—whenever you need it, there are people to agree with you for the Lord’s provision. 

Relationships Restored 

The healing that people receive through our Phone Center isn’t just physical; lives and relationships are also healed. “My name is George Elengikal. A few months ago, I had called and asked prayer for my youngest son who had left home and school and was living with a totally ungodly crowd. He is only 15. After prayer, he has returned home and is living with me. Free from addictions and rebellion. He is attending school regularly. Praise and thank Jesus and thank you for praying for my son. Thank you. I am also praying for my family that each of them will have an encounter with God. Thank you for standing with me.”  

George’s story is a reminder that God’s blessing flows into every part of your life—not just in health and relationships, but in every facet of your being. And it doesn’t stop with you. Through prayer and standing in faith, God’s blessing flows into those around you. 

In life, sometimes a great miracle isn’t needed; sometimes, all we need is someone to be there when we are hurting. For Bernadette, not being alone was blessing enough. “Thank you, Andrew, for having a prayer line. I spoke to Jordan, and he prayed for me when I was distressed. I can’t thank you enough for having someone to talk to.” Our prayer ministry is meant to encourage and empower those in need. These are just a few out of the millions of people who have called in to receive prayer and have seen God work. 

For Those on the Front 

In 2020, our Phone Center began taking calls twenty-four hours per day Monday through Friday, and ten hours a day on Saturdays and Sundays. The move to weekends has brought so much joy to callers. James recalls how the change blessed one woman. “A caller has tried to call on weekends in the past but with no answer. She felt led to call on Saturday and was surprised and grateful to place her order. She said ‘AWMI is the best!’” 

One of our phone ministers, Aaron, has noted how it can be a step of faith for some of those who call in. “I’ve had lots of people say how grateful they are that we are here on the weekend. Many people call just hoping someone will answer the phone, even though they believe we are closed, and are so happy someone answered.” 

The Nervous System 

We are so proud of the ministry that the Phone Center provides, but that isn’t all that they do. The Phone Center is often the direct network to getting teachings and products into people’s hands. When there is a giveaway, a package deal, or a special offer on Andrew’s program, the number to our Phone Center is listed on the screen to let callers know how to get a hold of those life-changing materials. 

Like the body’s central nervous system, the Phone Center relays information all throughout the ministry. They allow all of us at AWM to function and to know what needs are being met and how the products offered are affecting those who ask for them. In 2020, with the help of the phone ministers at the Phone Center, we shipped out more than 390,000 products—300,000 of them as gifts to callers who could not afford to pay. 

Many of the testimonies we feature also come through the Phone Center. Hearing real-life stories of how God is moving in the lives of people is an encouragement to all of us, no matter what department we work in, and it’s thanks to the Phone Center that we can be so blessed. 

Jesus’ mission for us is clear. 

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” 

—Matthew 28:19–20, emphasis added 

From humble beginnings, the Phone Center has grown as a ministry to become one of the strongest arms of our outreach. We’ve talked and prayed with so many people that it’s nearly impossible to keep track of it all. That’s just how mightily God is moving through these phone lines. 

We are so thankful to the ministers who have served on the Phone Center over the last thirty years  and to the partners and friends who so faithfully support our ministry. Without the amazing people who are a part of Andrew Wommack Ministries in all its forms, we wouldn’t be able to reach as far and as deep with the love of God as we do now. And as we will do for many years to come!


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