How Can You Transform Your Life in One Year?


Are you ready for a change in your life?

How Can You Transform Your Life in One Year? Imagine being equipped to triumphantly rise above every challenge presented to you. If your marriage is on the rocks, finances are slacking, or it seems like everything is going wrong, there is a way to turn it all around!

You may or may not be facing circumstances this severe, but regardless of what your giants are, God gave you a solution. Nothing that has happened in your life is a surprise to Him. As a matter of fact, He had the solution before you ever had a problem.

It’s time for your breakthrough! Do you know how to get yours?

Introducing Andrew’s Bible Pledge!

We challenge you to read through your Bible within one year. The Word of God has the answer to every single challenge you will face. Although the Word guarantees that you will have troubles, it also promises that Jesus Christ overcame them all (John 16:33)! Developing a deeper relationship with the Problem Solver through God-breathed Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16–17) is the only way to enjoy breakthrough in your personal life.

Here is what the Word says to you:

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Did you catch that? You can be transformed by renewing your mind and experience the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. To unleash God’s best for your life, you must replace your thoughts with God’s. The way you do that is by reading the Bible! This is why we are convinced that if you accept this challenge to read the entirety of Scripture within a year, you will see a significant change in your life.

If you aren’t already convinced, hopefully you’re beginning to understand how crucial it is to prioritize time in God’s Word. Many Christians sense the urgency to read their Bibles but face common hindrances to daily reading. They either are uncertain about where to start or feel they lack the necessary time and support. If this is you, no worries. We’ve already thought ahead!

Andrew’s Bible Reading Plan for Mobile

Andrew has a FREE Bible reading plan that will tell you exactly what to read each day! If you’re looking for guidance and instruction, you’ll be able to scroll through Andrew’s notes on thousands of Scriptures. You don’t have to waste time struggling to figure out where to start. We’ve made it easy for you!

Since this handy plan is now available on any mobile device, you can take it with you wherever you go. If time is an issue for you, with this plan you can get your reading done within a short 15-30 minutes a day! Before you know it, you will have read the entire Bible.

Are you ready to join us on this one-year journey through Scripture?

Make your pledge today and you’ll receive the following FREE benefits:

  • Monthly motivating emails from Andrew to keep you on track
  • A downloadable PDF of our straightforward one-year reading plan
  • Andrew’s FREE Bible Reading Plan for Mobile designed for ease and accessibility
  • 25% off online access to Andrew’s Living Commentary Digital Study Bible with his notes from more than fifty-five years of ministry

Sign up today and witness the life-transforming power of the Word of God. You don’t have to take your steps into the deep revelation of God alone. These resources are here to help you along the way!

Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWM) has seen countless lives changed simply by preaching the truth of God’s Word. Discipleship is the cornerstone of AWM, and the Bible is its foundation. When Andrew encountered God’s unconditional love and grace for the first time in 1968, he received a call to preach the Good News around the word as far and as deep as possible. Though he was called that day, he wasn’t fully prepared to fulfill God’s mission for his life until he received revelation of the importance of being a living sacrifice and renewing his mind to Scripture. After placing proper value on God’s Word, Andrew has faithfully served God for decades, made numerous disciples of Jesus Christ, and seen lives completely transformed.

Check out the powerful testimonies by clicking on the button below that have resulted from individuals who prioritized their time with God through His Word:

Join the community of almost 27,000 others who have pledged just like you to read the Bible in one year. Click below to be a part of this amazing community.


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