Andrew’s Response to the Florida School Shooting

Again, we are mourning the loss of innocent lives as the result of a violent school shooting. I join with you in praying for all those injured and those who have lost sons and daughters. I pray that the Lord would comfort and draw them to Himself for the strength only He can give. He is our only hope.

I’ve heard total despair from a number of people today as to how we solve this problem. They feel that this is the new norm that we just have to get used to. I don’t believe this is so. I didn’t grow up with this as the norm, and the young people of today don’t have to either.

Although there isn’t a quick fix and many things need to be done, I believe the root of the problem is simple. There is evil in this world that our nation has systematically been releasing by our departure from morality and the fear of God. Disrespect for God, authority, and life, in general, is being promoted in multiple ways, and this is the consequence.

Psalm 36:1 says, “The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.”

The lack of fear or reverence for God has removed the restraints on the devil, and this is the result. The answer to this isn’t easy, but it’s simple: we need to return to God as a nation. That’s where we believers come in. We must speak out and let our light and salt be the preserving influence God ordained.

As we pray for those affected, let’s also renew our commitment to sharing the good news of the Gospel, which is the only thing that will change the hearts of people and stop this carnage. Most will look for things in the natural that need to be done, and while we don’t deny the natural, the only cure for this is spiritual, not physical.

Father, use us to counter this evil in our culture. Give us boldness to speak out and get involved. Give us Your wisdom about how to address this, and we pray Your comfort and strength to everyone affected. In Jesus’s name, amen!


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