Appointed: A Man After God’s Own Heart!

The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over His people.

1 Samuel 13:14, New King James Version

Have you ever wondered what it really means to be called a man after God’s own heart? If so, you’re in good company. You’d be surprised to know that even David wondered the same.

In David: The King of Jerusalem, a brand-new musical production by Robert and Elizabeth Muren, you’ll journey through the life of a lonely young shepherd boy from Bethlehem. Being the youngest of several impressive-looking brothers, David was constantly being overlooked. Even his father, Jesse, didn’t consider him when the prophet Samuel asked him to present  his sons.

David had, however, developed an intimate relationship with his unseenFather by whom he was always seen. Robert puts it this way: “God, his heavenly Father, saw him and chose him before all others in the  whole nation.”

His far-from-perfect life was smeared with adultery, murder, betrayal, and the loss of children. But one thing never changed: his unwavering desire to please only his heavenly Father. Robert says, “Despite weaknesses and failures, he was desperate for God, and he passionately sought His wisdom and His Word.”

The Murens do an amazing job of capturing the essence of David’s life. If you’ve seen their world-class productions God with Us or The Heart of Christmas, you know you won’t want to miss this one. You’ll be treated to a memorable performance with family-friendly entertainment you can trust. Every member of the family can identify with David, the hero for all ages.

You’ll also enjoy the musical renditions with a modern-worship twist, as David tells story after story of God’s amazing grace.

In the musical, the mature King David starts to prepare Solomon to be his successor. However, Solomon doesn’t fit the typical mold of a king. And just like David, Solomon was the least expected to ascend to the throne. David shows, through the story of his own life, that man looks at outward appearances, but God looks at the heart. Through his vulnerability, he and Solomon discover why God called David a man after His heart.

Elizabeth explains, “The main story is not about David and Solomon. . . . The main love story is about David and God. . . . And the one thing I want people to leave with is the understanding of how God desires intimacy. The main theme throughout the story―past and present―is . . . discovering the relationship that David had with God.”

“Come celebrate with us, and discover why David was a man after God’s own heart,” says Robert. “Witness how the rejected shepherd boy from Bethlehem becomes the king of Jerusalem!”

This one-night-only musical takes place on Friday, November 2, 2018, at 7 p.m. and kicks off our weekend of epic proportions! On Saturday at 2 p.m., we will continue the celebrations with special guests Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis, as we dedicate our new auditorium to the glory of God. The festivities culminate on Sunday at 4 p.m., as Andrew Wommack hosts The Event with Tony Perkins and featured speaker former governor 
Mike Huckabee.

Imagine spending a fun, godly weekend in the beautiful mountains of Woodland Park, Colorado, and imagine joining thousands of others as we celebrate God’s grace.

Now, turn that imagination into reality!

Get tickets and find more information about David: The King of Jerusalem at Leave us a comment below if you’re planning to attend this musical or any of the other events in our momentous weekend.

We look forward to seeing you there!

For information about our other events in the U.S., visit; if outside the U.S., visit


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