From Beggars to Believers

From Beggars to Believers

Many of us are anxious about the future. Instability, uncertainty, lawlessness, and the love of many growing cold is enough to make any of us despair. Some of us feel that God has left us powerless to deal with these things alone. But is it really just fate for this world to beat us up until we can all make it to heaven? Andrew Wommack recently visited Pastor Mac Hammond’s church in Minnesota and explained what Christians already have in their born-again spirits. He helped those attending shift the focus from being beggars to being believers.

Andrew explained the difference between the two: “God anticipated every problem that we’ll ever have, and He created the supply before we ever had the need. Therefore, this changes our whole relationship to God. Instead of being beggars who are coming to God, asking God to do something, we should be people coming to God, believing the record that God has given us of what He’s already done—how He’s already made the supply. And instead of being beggars, we need to be enforcers that take it and believe and speak and release the power of God.”

Andrew invested his time in Minnesota by reminding Christians of what the Lord has already done and given. God has not left you comfortless (John 14:16-18). Whenever you, a son or daughter of God, feel overwhelmed or ill-equipped to handle something, turn your attention to what Jesus has already given you. It’s empowering to realize that the only Person you have to lean on is Him.

Andrew continued, “And sad to say, too many ministers are making people dependent upon them. I [haven’t] got an ax to grind with anybody. I’m just making an observation that I think this is one of the weaknesses in the body of Christ. The average person sitting in the pew can’t lead a person to the Lord, can’t get healed on their own, doesn’t operate in the prosperity that they should, and they’re dependent. And they’re always coming and asking us to do the praying. I don’t mind praying for people. I enjoy praying for people. But you know what? It is super ineffective to have you depend on me. It’s just not the way that God intended it to be.”

Are you looking for someone to rise up and save the day? If you haven’t found that person yet, maybe it’s because God is waiting on you to rise up.

“Most people do not take responsibility for trusting and believing God [for] themselves, but they run to others and, in a sense, put the responsibility for their miracle upon others…. You need to lift up your head and see past the physical things and see into the spiritual realm and recognize that this is a great time to be alive. Man, when it’s dark out there, your little light shines like a floodlight. Amen. The darker it gets, the more your light can shine. We need to look at things differently. You need to stir yourself up and say that this is a great day to be alive.”

All in all, Andrew stirred the people to remember who they are in Christ and to walk dependent only on God. It is time to realize what you have as a son or daughter of God! Stand up and respond to what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do. God has empowered you to walk in victory, no matter the circumstances. Choose today to be someone who “laughs without fear of the future” (Prov. 31:25, New Living Translation).

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