Grace + Faith = 1 Powerful Event

Grace + Faith = 1 Powerful Event

Did you know that Andrew’s biggest annual meeting doesn’t even take place in the States? It’s true. The Grace and Faith Conference, held in Great Britain, has drawn Andrew’s largest crowds for years now. The event this past May was no different, with around 3,500 people in attendance. Representing nearly thirty countries, folks traveled from as near as Portugal and as far away as Brazil to be part of the conference. Why do they come? It’s simple: they know they will be healed, set free, and taught how to live victoriously through Christ (Rom. 5:17).

Attendees at the four-day event gained a deeper understanding of God’s heart for them as they heard the Word—raw and uncut—taught by not just Andrew but by seasoned ministers Duane Sheriff and Wendell Parr. The topics covered were discipleship, being dead to self, and dealing with discouragement. As expected, God confirmed His Word with signs following.

Derek came to the Grace and Faith Conference quite reluctantly, having been persuaded by his wife. He had recently fallen a considerable height from a ladder and landed on his side, breaking four ribs and putting his hip through his pelvis. He was taken to the hospital immediately and, after surgery, was put in a wheelchair. By the time of the conference, he had been on crutches for a couple of weeks. After one of the sessions, he went forward for prayer. A Charis Bible College student began praying for him, and he thought, Actually, the stiffness is going, and the pain has eased off. Then he went for a walk outside the building and thought, Wow, this is going well! He walked back into the conference and waved his crutches at his wife. “I don’t need my crutches anymore,” he shouted. As he shared his story during testimony time, he said, “Thank You, God, and thank you, Andrew Wommack Ministries!”

Another testimony came from Pam. Back in the 1980s, she started to get pain throughout her body and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. She had suffered pain in her body off and on since then. In the three to four weeks leading up to the conference, the pain flared very badly. In particular, the pain in her hands had become so severe that she couldn’t use them properly. But during the conference, the pain left her hands. On another day of the event, the pain started to return, but Pam decided to put into action what she’d been learning over the weekend. She rebuked the pain, told it to leave, and claimed her victory through Jesus. After that, her hands were pain-free, and she left the conference feeling well.

These are just two of the amazing stories that took place during the weekend. Besides these and other testimonies of God’s power, there were salvations and baptisms in the Holy Spirit by the hundreds during the nine sessions. In addition, attendees were treated to a taste of Charis’s production God with Us, with a special live performance from Jamie Wommack and Adam Stone.

It’s no wonder the Grace and Faith Conference is such a powerful event year after year. Make plans to join us in 2018, and experience the power for yourself!

The friends and partners of Andrew Wommack Ministries make this conference possible. If you have not yet partnered with us, consider doing so today. Lives are being changed!


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