Imagine Yourself Winning!

One afternoon, I was working on my computer when my daughter entered the room. Just by looking at her sweet face, I could tell that something wasn’t right. I asked her, “Are you okay?” With a quiet voice, she said, “I’m really scared.” For weeks, she had been struggling with fear, and it was getting worse. She was waking up in the middle of the night, scared and anxious. Her dad and I would comfort her, but the fear kept tormenting her. It even started affecting her during the day.

This time I realized it was a spiritual attack against her, and we needed to do something about it. Andrew’s teaching Meditation came to mind. He says:

The real power, the real energy, the real benefit of the Word of God comes when you meditate in it. Take a truth and get to the place where you can imagine it. Meditation means to imagine. You have to see it on the inside before you see it on the outside.

God was showing me how to help my daughter! I told her, “Go get your brother’s laser sword.” When she came back, I explained that God wants her to have perfect peace, but the Enemy was attacking her with thoughts of fear. I told her that it was her turn to fight back. I said, “Do you remember the movie where the good guy was fighting every attack of the enemy with his laser sword? Well, you are going to do the same. When a thought of fear comes, grab your sword and, in your imagination, destroy it. Then say, ‘Thank You, Lord, that You give me perfect peace.'”

I turned back to my computer as she lay down on the floor next to me. She was lying there quietly, and all of a sudden, she grabbed her sword, swung it in the air, and muttered, “Thank You, Lord, that You give me perfect peace.” This went on for about half an hour. After that, she got up, left the room, and went out to play. In the following days, I could see that she was free from fear. Her countenance changed, and she was happy.

The important thing was that she was learning how to use her imagination in a godly way, meditating on the Word. Like Andrew says, “It’s not the volume of Scripture you read. It’s how much you get out of the Scripture that you know.” Fear and anxiety don’t just attack children—they attack all of us. That’s why the Word exhorts us to cast all our anxiety on the Lord because He cares for us (1 Pet. 5:7, New International Version).

It doesn’t matter how the Enemy is attacking you; God’s Word is a powerful weapon to overcome (Eph. 6:17 and Heb. 4:12). Godly meditation is one way you activate it. Learn how to unlock the power of your imagination and experience the abundant life God has for you. Andrew’s teaching on meditation will help you understand some common misconceptions, and you will learn what the Scriptures really say about godly meditation. If you’d like to learn more about this, check out Meditation. It’s in CD and DVD, or you can watch it on our television broadcast. Please share below if this has ministered to you.


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