Letting Go of Myself

While reading Andrew’s book Grace: The Power of the Gospel, I came across this truth:

You are not only saved by grace, but you also maintain your relationship with God by grace. This means you are healed by grace, delivered by grace, and prospered by grace. None of the benefits of salvation come to you based on your performance (p. 48).

It was the last night of the first Healing School in Russia, and every piece of equipment I owned decided to have a meltdown—my camera, my lens, my SD cards, my batteries. Everyone was counting on me to create an incredible video to show back at Charis, and I was pouting in the back of the room, dangling my camera in defeat, waiting for someone to feel sorry for me.

Finally, out of pure desperation, I held up my camera, hit record, and said, “All right, God, You have to make this happen because I can’t do this by myself.” Watching the screen in front of me, I stood back in amazement as God began to film what I could never have made happen on my own. It was as if God was showcasing His own private screening, and I was given a front row seat.

And now just as you trusted Christ to save you, trust him, too, for each day’s problems; live in vital union with him.

Colossians 2:6(The Living Bible)

Andrew continues,

The same way you were born again is the same way you should continue walking with Him. Sad to say, most people don’t do that. We must place our entire faith in the Gospel! (p. 50)

I learned something I will never forget in that small village in central Russia—I cannot accomplish in my own strength what God has called me to do. However, God is always willing to show Himself strong where I don’t have any strength, wise where I still lack wisdom, and creative where I still lack skills. It’s all through the power of His grace in my life!

God has already provided—through the atonement of Christ—everything we’ll ever need. Now it’s up to us to believe and receive. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be forgiven, healed, delivered, prospered—every benefit that’s ours through what Jesus Christ did comes to us by grace through faith (pp. 191-192).

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

2 Corinthians 5:17 (New Living Translation)

The entire Christian life is a gift that we get to partake in simply because of who God has recreated us to be—members of His very own family. When we operate by faith in the grace that has made us who we are, we get to experience the power of God in our lives.

I encourage you to dive deeper into this teaching of Andrew’s, entitled Grace: The Power of the Gospel. It is foundational to everything in our lives as Christians. Also, watch Andrew discuss this on his Gospel Truth program! Please post a comment below if this has ministered to you.


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