Miraculously Kept in the Love of God

Emergency crews at Scott’s accident.

The serenity of the fallen snow was shattered as red and blue emergency lights converged on an accident in northern Michigan. Andrew Wommack Ministries partner Scott Peterson struggled as his heart slowed in the -9 degree weather. “Jesus!” he got out before losing consciousness.

After stopping to help a stranded motorist in the ice and snow of that winter day, another car spun out on the icy roads, lost control, and veered into the ditch where he was working, pinning him between two vehicles. Scott started rapidly losing blood. He was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital for emergency surgery to try and stabilize his condition. The doctors discovered that his femoral artery—the main blood carrier in the lower half of the body—had been severed! Scott was given thirty-two units of blood during a seven hour operation even though the doctors gave him twenty-four hours to live.

Scott with his family about five months after the accident

Forty-eight hours later, Scott was life-flighted to the University of Michigan’s hospital in Ann Arbor, enduring numerous operations to save his life and leg. With a massive amount of blood loss, slipping in and out of comas, soft tissue damage, and organ stress, Scott was not expected to live. Doctors told his wife, Diane, to expect amputation as the “best-case scenario” for his recovery. But Diane refused to limit her faith to that. Diane relied on the truths they’d learned from Andrew and others of God’s unconditional love.

“It wasn’t any one particular teaching by Andrew or anyone at that particular time that got us through. It was the things that we had learned from him over the years, especially Harnessing Your Emotions, Christian Survival Kit, and through our partnership with the ministry. Andrew’s ministry became everything as they stood with us. It meant so much. Jill and Charlie Leblanc’s praise and worship was also a blessing. The Healing Journeys DVDs were also inspiring. God’s grace is always sufficient. When I thought I didn’t have strength or patience, God’s grace provided.”

Scott Peterson working hard in therapy.

Scott regained consciousness six days later. However, he aspirated the very next day during a surgery and was once again given no hope of surviving. He was in a coma for nine days, during which time he flat lined and was in the presence of the Lord. Scott remarks “When I saw Him, I realized how much He loves us. I was very happy to see Him, but He was even happier to see me. I knew I was totally accepted.” That experience greatly helped Scott in his recovery, as he was able to rest in the Lord’s unconditional love.

Today Scott is walking on two healthy legs. He is driving and rebuilding his strength. His doctor recently declared, “If we’d seen this kind of recovery after three years of therapy, I’d be ecstatic.” But it’s only been nine months!

“Thank you Jesus!”


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