Summer Family Bible Conference

Kids at the conference.

The Summer Family Bible Conference is an annual event where God speaks a “now” message and the worship lifts hearts. Approximately 1,100 attended last year, determined to draw closer to the Lord and to respond to His leading for the future. They nodded in agreement when Andrew preached about success—that only what God calls you to do will have lasting value—and they were encouraged by a variety of Charis Bible College teachers who reminded them that believers possess the life of God in the here and now. A special session of Healing School brought freedom to many bound by disease, and on the Fourth of July, all were blessed with a surprise treat: an award-winning drummer, dressed in Revolutionary garb, playing the classic sounds of freedom.

The teens gathered in a big tent, led by John and Abi Elshaw (directors of Charis Toronto). Abi says, “Kids were healed and experienced His presence. It was encouraging how many of them were walking in the understanding that God loves them and sees them as perfect, regardless of what they do. They prayed for each other with authority and praised God with passion. The theme was ‘This Is Who We Are!’—created in the image of God, unique, and free to be who He made us. We’ve heard negatives about ‘the youth of today,’ but the truth is, there are families who are training their children in the way they should go, passing down the knowledge of God’s grace and mercy, and raising a generation who want to be like Jesus!

“And we had fun! We shot each other with marshmallow guns (even Andrew got shot at with marshmallows!) and built friendships over pizza and pop. Our socks were totally blessed off!”

The younger kids had their own tent, too, led by third-year interns Josh McFall and Derek Dickerson. Josh says, “When I was asked to help with the kids, I thought, I don’t know if I can do this, but the most outstanding thing of my life happened there. I was teaching about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and I asked the kids if they wanted to hear my secret language that the Enemy can’t decipher. Of course they hollered ‘YES!’—so, I prayed out loud in tongues. Then the Lord brought to mind the scripture that says if you speak publicly in tongues, it must have interpretation. I was put on the spot. I asked the kids if anyone understood what I said. Not a peep out of any of them. I was stuck for a minute, but the Holy Spirit rose up in my heart and it was so crazy strong, I had to jump. I shouted about how God our Father loves His children. It was the most overwhelming moment I have ever had. If you were there, you would know what I mean. It was life changing, all in a flash.”

Andrew preaching.

If you weren’t at the Summer Family Bible Conference last year, pray about coming this year. It’s refreshing to be in the gorgeous Colorado mountains, meet believers from all around the globe, watch the kids bouncing in carnival tents, and sample a delicious variety of food. But most importantly, it’s refreshing to receive the Word of God. So, make plans to come join us June 29-July 3, 2015. We look forward to seeing you there!


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