Where’s Your Focus?

Brewing coffee, bright lanyards, and the rustle of Bible pages turning—the new Charis Bible College school year had officially begun. I was a third-year intern filled with optimism, opinions, and perhaps a little too much caffeine. As I prepared for classes, I did what any well-meaning intern would do when they’re a little unsure of the next step—I enrolled in the School of Ministry. Who could go wrong with that, right?

As the days turned into weeks, my uneasy conscience slowly started distracting my mind from the classes I was in. Fidgety and uneasy, I had the strangest sense that everyone around me knew exactly what I was thinking. I wonder what they’re doing in Media School… No! Stop it! You’re in Ministry. Pay attention to the… If I switched over to Media School, I wonder if anyone would notice.

What I really wanted was for one of my esteemed instructors to walk over to me, look me in the eyes, and speak a mighty word from the Lord, instructing me in the exact path that I should take. I would solemnly reply “Bless the Lamb,” and we would part ways. Surprisingly, that did not happen, and as the cutoff date to switch Third Year schools creeped closer, so did the fear of making the wrong decision—one that would ruin my life forever.

Thankfully, it didn’t take me too long to realize that the Holy Spirit guides us through the desires of our hearts, and as we dwell in His presence, He begins to direct us through His peace.

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.

Proverbs 3:5-6, The Message

In Andrew’s teaching on Dwelling in God’s Presence, he explains:

You’ve got the Spirit of God Almighty residing on the inside of you. It’s in the spirit realm, and you have capabilities in the Spirit that most people don’t even believe exist, let alone walk in. But you can know things by the Spirit.

The cutoff day came and went, and that very next Monday, I started Media School. Although I don’t ever remember hearing a distinct voice saying “This is what you must do,” I know I never thought of doing anything else once I started. I realized that the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of me, and I don’t have to go looking for answers outside of my relationship with Him. Living in constant communion with Him enables His thoughts to become my thoughts, His desires to become my desires, and His plan to become my plan.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Isaiah 26:3, New Living Translation

Now, I know I don’t have it all figured out quite yet, but as I dwell in the presence of God, I get to know the One who is leading me. It’s because of this that I know I will accomplish the call of God on my life. So, I guess I don’t have to know it all. I’ve got connections.

Andrew’s new teaching, Dwelling in God’s Presence, is available in CD and DVD format. You can also check it out on the Gospel Truth broadcast. If this teaching has inspired you, please post a comment below.


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