In 2014, I had a student at Charis Bible College come to me and tell me that the school had radically changed her life. She said she was an extreme liberal when she first came, but by graduation, she had become so conservative that many in her own family had nearly disowned her because of…
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Redeeming Love Ministers to Orphans in War-Torn Congo
It was 1996 and war had broken out in the African Congo. The years of cruel leadership from the dictator Muboto had caused neighboring groups and tribes to ally against him in a rebellion. These groups were survivors and refugees of the Rwanda genocide that had happened just next door a few years earlier. At…
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Freedom was a feeling he had longed for all his life. “To understand that there is a God who loved me, and we have authority because of Jesus, was life-changing to me,” said Mike Heiser. “I never knew we had any authority in Christ. I would just ask God and hoped He did it.” Mike Heiser Mike and Pat Heiser had always been taught…
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