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Share It with Confidence

“Before my first mission[s] trip to Ecuador, people encouraged me by saying I would change lives with the Gospel, while others said it would change mine. I didn’t know what to expect, but I quickly discovered it wasn’t one or the other, but both. It is impossible to not change when God is all about…

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Mighty Works in Ecuador

It was the last night in Ecuador for the Charis Bible College missions team. They were ministering at a church and praying for the sick. A young man who was a member of the church’s worship team asked for prayer because he suffered from pain in his knees and calves. Brian, one of the students,…

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The Word of Our Testimony

They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. Revelation 12:11a, New International Version Early one morning in Ecuador, as the Charis Bible College missions team was sitting down to breakfast, screams split the air. Rushing out the hotel’s back door, five team members searched the alley…

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