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Running by Faith

“The Bible says I will run and not grow weary,” I told my doctor. “I’m a runner, so I’m going to run.” He looked at me—a person who had had already undergone foot surgery, X-rays, a painful cortisone shot, and now, custom orthotics—and said, smiling, “You can bike and not grow weary. You can swim…

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Above All Things

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2 When John penned these words by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he did so to show us that God places your well-being as His priority. He says in this verse that “above all…

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If It’s Important to You, It’s Important to God

I was in pain. A muscle was knotted in my neck, and it caused discomfort in my shoulder. I knew I had slept crooked the night before. But I also knew the muscle would eventually work itself out. It was a small thing. So, I didn’t even think to talk to God about it. I…

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Sickness Is Strange

If you are following after Christ, the number one challenge you will encounter is not sickness and disease. It’s persecution: All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12 How should you respond when you’re persecuted? Probably not how you might think. The Apostle Peter gives the answer: If any…

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