When Purpose Found Me

Adam performing on stage.

What does a successful life look like? Adam Stone was certain it had something to do with fame and fortune. His experience was unlike most people’s. “Although I was born again at seven years of age, I wasn’t really pursuing a relationship with Jesus,” he admits. “I was pursuing a career in the performing arts. I’ve worked with Anthony Hopkins and been in a James Bond film. I was even privileged enough to tour the world singing. However, there always seemed to be something blocking me from true success in that industry.”

Life in the spotlight would prove unfulfilling, while Adam’s walk with the Lord seemed foreign and irrelevant. “In my earlier years, my relationship with God was very up and down, depending on circumstances, really,” he recalls. “I didn’t find my identity inside, and as a result, I lived with a carnal mindset. I’d been confused by religion and bad doctrine. Experiences in life didn’t seem to line up with the Word of God.”

Thankfully, God is not the author of confusion, and He was determined to reach Adam right where he was. “My mother came across this American preacher on television called Andrew Wommack. He wasn’t the kind of guy we would normally listen to, but what he was saying resonated with our spirits. We recognized the truth when we heard it. At that point, our lives would never be the same again.”

Adam putting his studies into action as he prays for a fellow student

As the religious misconceptions slowly began to clear up, Adam started to view himself, and the life he lived, through a different lens. “Suddenly, I knew that God had a purpose and a destiny for me that was greater than anything I could ever achieve in my own strength,” he says. “Before, my ambitions were earning a BAFTA or an OSCAR. Now my ambitions are healing the sick and preaching the Gospel.” This newfound sense of purpose seemed new and exciting for him, but left the lingering question of “How?”

My wife Cathrin and I did not know what God’s plan was for our lives, but thanks to Andew’s teaching, we knew it wasn’t going to just come to us automatically—we had to pursue it. So, we decided we had to step out of the boat and follow Jesus.”

Adam and Cathrin decided to leave London, where Adam had a prosperous job, sell everything they owned, and make the courageous move to Colorado to attend Charis Bible College. He admits, “As soon as we got here, we knew we were where we were supposed to be. It truly is the most amazing feeling to know you are right in the center of what God wants for you.”

Adam using his gifts and talents to praise God in the CBC worship band.

Adam adds, “Since being here, we have learned so much every day through the Word of God. The main thing I am benefiting from immediately is realizing how much God loves me and how much Jesus achieved for us. Charis is empowering and equipping us with the tools that we need to become usable for the kingdom of God. I believe that God wants to use us more than we want to be used, and I’d say I’ve been getting in His way until now. Through Healing School and prayer ministry, we are seeing the sick healed, the dead raised, and that’s exactly what Jesus told us to do.”


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