From New Age to God’s Grace


Have you ever felt a holy dissatisfaction, where you knew there had to be more to this life?

That’s exactly where Randy and Melissa found themselves. They were running from the religion they grew up with and searching for God in all the wrong places.

Growing up, Randy served as an altar boy in his church. Melissa also grew up in church and desired an intimate relationship with God. Repelled by the rules and hypocrisy they saw around them, both Randy and Melissa pulled away from the religion they had known all their lives. Both wanted a deeper relationship with Jesus but felt it was always just out of their reach.

Many people are blindly running from religion, trying to find something that’s real. That’s how Randy and Melissa got roped into the New Age doctrine. New Age had devout followers who desperately tried to apply those beliefs to their daily lives. Could this be the truth and authenticity they were looking for?

Bumping into each other for the first time at a New Age meditation center, Randy and Melissa soon discovered that they were both seeking more in life. They both longed for a meaningful relationship with the Creator of the universe, but they didn’t know how. How could they truly know the Maker of heaven and earth?

Years later, Melissa found herself sick with an autoimmune disorder called multiple chemical sensitivity. She was plagued with shame and unworthiness, thinking it was God who was punishing her, trying to teach her something.

Each day, Randy witnessed his wife wasting away, feeling all hope was lost. But little did they know, God was about to intervene!

Melissa pleaded and begged God for her healing, saying, “If you show me mysticism’s wrong, I’ll do whatever it takes!” When she received her healing at a Christian conference in Georgia, God reminded her of her promise to Him.

Prior to attending the event, Melissa had planned to receive her healing but maintain her spiritual beliefs and “put up with [those] narrow-minded Christians” while she was there. She was then shocked that God was calling her to become a Christian.

God asked her, “Do you love Me, or do you love the form and practice of New Age? Are you in love with what you’re doing, or is your life Mine?” Melissa knew it was time for her to let go of the lies and false spiritual beliefs she had held that had become her identity.

That marked the start of an incredible journey with Jesus for Randy and Melissa, as they embarked on a quest to discover the truth. They wholeheartedly gave their lives to Jesus and began diligently seeking Him.

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Andrew’s teaching The War Is Over opened the couple’s eyes to the truth. They no longer had to try to earn God’s love and fellowship.

They started devoting numerous hours listening to Kenneth Copeland and Andrew Wommack on television, shutting out all other distractions. Melissa was particularly drawn to Andrew’s grounded approach to the Lord, saying:

"It wasn’t a lot of hype. Randy and I had both been deceived, and we never wanted to be deceived again. We both were so hungry for God. Now we knew the right path."

They discovered relationship with God truly is a free gift

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Later, Randy and Melissa attended a Gospel Truth Seminar, where Andrew spoke over Melissa and encouraged her to take the kingdom back from the enemy. This word planted a seed that led them to sell their house and move to Colorado to attend Charis Bible College.

Thank you, partners! Because of you, the Oberraths were able to find the relationship with God that they had always craved.

The Oberraths are now third-year Charis graduates who pastor Kingdom Life Church International in Durham, North Carolina. They also have a homeless ministry, where they distribute food and clothing, set up tents for those who need shelter, and pray for those who come to them. Many have escaped out of homelessness and into new lives, both physically and spiritually.

The ministry services the Oberraths provide are free, much like the teachings from Andrew that radically changed their lives. To support their life-changing ministry, visit their website,, today!

Randy and Melissa are just one example of the countless lives transformed through God’s Word at Charis Bible College.

Click below to watch Andrew’s FREE life-transforming teaching The War Is Over that set Randy and Melissa free!

***Quotations have been edited for length and clarity.


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